A Quiet Girl

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Requested by LifeInsideTheTardis 

I hope you all enjoy this one shot. I would just like to let you know that I will be going on a school trip to Spain from Tuesday until Sunday. I am going to try and update, but we have a very busy schedule, so there won't be much time to write. I will try to write as much as I can. As soon as I get back, I will start working on your requests to get them all done as soon as possible. I hope you can understand and aren't upset or anything. I love you all ♥ 


You calmly walked up the stairs as possible scenarios flashed through your mind. You were nervous, but refused to show it on the outside. You had to give the people you were about to meet a good impression if you wanted to live there. Searching for a flat had been a tedious journey for you, so when you saw an ad for a possible flatmate, you immediately responded and set up a meeting at the flat. You took a deep breath and cleared your head. Meeting these people could go two ways. They'd either accept your disability or would refuse to have you as a flatmate. You hadn't met many people who were understanding of your decision and you were usually made fun of a lot, but it stopped bothering you a while ago. 

You raised your hand to the door and knocked twice. The door immediately flew open and you took a step back, eyes widened in fright. You sighed in relief when you saw a short, kind looking man. ''You must be (Y/N)! Come in, come in.'' He ushered. You smiled warmly and followed him inside. ''Would you like some tea or coffee?'' He asked politely. You shook your head and waved your hand dismissively. ''Alright.'' He said. ''I'll go get Sherlock. I'll be back in a minute.''

You waited patiently until the man returned with another man, probably Sherlock. He was taller and quite handsome. He sat down in the black leather chair and stared at you, hands positioned underneath his chin. You shifted a little to get more comfortable on the couch and simply stared back. The shorter man's gaze shifted from you to who you presumed was Sherlock. ''Is no one going to speak?'' He wondered. A small smirk tugged at Sherlock's lips. ''She isn't'' He concluded. You raised your eyebrow and smiled playfully. You turned to the other man and shook your head, agreeing with Sherlock. ''Why not? Can't you speak or something?'' John asked. You rolled your eyes and huffed. This always seemed to be the response you got. ''She's mute, John.'' Sherlock interrupted. You smiled at his words and nodded slightly. ''But she can hear us.'' Sherlock rolled his eyes and shook his head, disappointed. You giggled softly and let him explain it to John. ''Not all mute people are deaf and not all deaf people are mute.'' He stated matter-of-factly. ''So you can't speak at all then? Have you ever tried?'' John continued asking questions. You turned to Sherlock and nodded in John's direction, your way of asking him if he'd like to explain since he obviously knew already. You were curious to know how he had found out, but you didn't question him about it. ''She's not physically mute, John. That means she has the ability to speak but simply chooses not to because she doesn't want to. Now stop asking dumb questions and just sit down.''

Over the course of the next few months, you grew closer and closer to your flatmate, Sherlock Holmes. Never in your life had you experienced someone so understanding of your situation as him. He was different, just like you, and he always understood you. He had explained how he used his deduction skills and his knowledge of body language to figure out what you meant without having to use sign language or forcing you to speak. You didn't need to tell him anything because he already knew, and even though that might sound scary and uncomfortable, you kind of enjoyed not having to explain things. Sherlock was always around you. A moment where you were alone had become rare. He always made sure you felt safe and comfortable and always dealt with rude and ignorant people so you didn't have to do it. You had gotten to know a side of Sherlock that he barely showed to others. And you loved that.

You smiled softly to yourself as you turned on the radio. It was one of those rare moments where you were alone in the flat. Sherlock had gone out to work on a case and you decided not to tag along this time. You wanted to thank him for being so kind and understanding, so you decided to stay home and bake him something. You took some ingredients from the fridge and started baking the cake as you swayed to a song on the radio. 

Your favourite song suddenly started playing and you simply couldn't resist. You began to sing along. You didn't sing very loud, just quietly to yourself. It was your way of communicating with the outside world if gestures were simply not enough. Because Sherlock always understood you, you rarely sang anymore when there were people around you, but music had always been your passion and your favourite thing to do, so sometimes, you would sing when you were alone. People never understood why you weren't willing to speak and why singing didn't seem to be a problem. You could never explain, simply because you didn't know the answer. It was just how you felt and what you were comfortable with.

As you continued singing and baking, the door to 221B opened. If you would've noticed, you would've stopped singing, but you were too caught up in the music to notice. Sherlock heard the singing and thought you had put on some music. He quietly made his way to the kitchen and his mouth dropped when he saw you. He hadn't expected you to be singing so beautifully, or even sing at all. His shocked expression turned into pure amusement and joy as he continued to watch you sing and dance as you baked. You were most certainly someone special and Sherlock was still trying to figure you out. You intrigued him on every level and he saw it as a privilege to have such a wonderful person around all the time.

Your favourite song ended and you returned to baking silently. Your head snapped into the direction of Sherlock when you heard someone clapping. Your cheeks reddened immensely. ''That was beautiful.'' Sherlock complemented. You smiled nervously and blushed even more. ''You sure are something different, aren't you?'' Sherlock mumbled, more to himself than you. He walked closer to you and stared at you. You bit your lip and shrugged. Sherlock chuckled slightly before moving so he was standing behind you. He gently took a hold of your hand and began stirring the cake mixture together with you. 

Sherlock Imagines and PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ