Never Again

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Requested by __manyfandoms__ 

I apologise for the bad quality and the unusually short length of this oneshot. I attempted to write this several times and nothing that was very good came out. It's kind of hard to write a request that is similar to others I have written before and keep it original. But it's totally fine and I had fun writing it nonetheless. I will try to publish another oneshot today, but it will most likely be an idea of my own instead of another request since I really enjoy writing my own things from time to time.

Also, since this book is closing soon, keep an eye out for the sequel if you're interested. Thank you for sticking with me through almost 200 chapters and for your support. It means the world to me ♥


I angrily paced the room, kicking everything that crossed my path out of the way. It had been five hours. Five bloody hours, and (Y/N) still hadn't returned from running some errands. Seriously, how long does it take to get me some new and innovative guns? If I can do it in five minutes, she can do it in less than five hours. Something was definitely wrong, but as long as I didn't receive any messages from a potential kidnapper, I couldn't take action. I had no clue where she was or how she was doing and it was annoying me to no end. 

Before I started this relationship with her, I was sure to do some research on the terms and agreements. And not a single website or book ever said that it was the boyfriend's job to save the girlfriend every time they'd get in trouble. I had more important things to do, business to take care of and many documents to sign. I was a busy man! I had no time to worry about (Y/N) and if she'd be alright every time I'd send her on a new mission. She had always been perfectly fine before, why couldn't she be fine now?!

My annoyance took a sudden turn as I kept pacing my office. Instead, I felt anger. Anger because once again, I had to rescue an employee (of some sort) out of a potentially dangerous situation. But that was the thing; was (Y/N) really in danger or did she get caught up in something completely harmless? Was I wasting my time again on worrying about my sentimental weakness? I honestly had no clue and it infuriated me even more. 

I, Jim Moriarty, the world's only and most dangerous consulting criminal, should be easily able to find out the whereabouts of his own bloody girlfriend! But I couldn't. I tried every camera, every connection on the streets I had, but no one, not even my most skilled spies, had a clue of where she was. There was no other way. (Y/N) had been kidnapped and whoever was behind it had experience and skill.

At this realisation, I grabbed my coat from my desk chair and bolted out the door, barking orders at my staff in the process. 

As I made my way to the exit, one of my newly acquired spies ran up to me. His expression matched that of a terrified and lost child in the middle of a dark, inescapable forest. 

''Spill it, Johnson,'' I hissed. 

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, only squeaking noises coming out, until he finally managed to form words with that idiotic mouth of his. ''We- We've received a message from the- the kidnappers,'' He stuttered. 

At hearing the confirmation of my theory, I couldn't help but roll my eyes and sigh. (Y/N) had managed to get kidnapped and now I had to take care of it. Great. ''What do they want?'' I asked sternly. 


Again, my eyes involuntarily rolled. Criminals these days really aren't creative anymore. ''Send them a message. Tell them they messed with the wrong person,'' I ordered as I grabbed my keys from the counter. 

''Yes, sir.'' 

''Track down the message they sent and give the address to my chauffeur, and quickly.'' 

''Yes, sir. I'm on it, right now.'' Johnson hurriedly scrambled off, glad to have some distance between me and him. 

I strode towards the awaiting vehicle and got in, slamming the door shut. ''Hurry,'' I simply said before the car sped off to where my girlfriend was held hostage by some imbeciles.

I arrived at an abandoned looking warehouse within thirty minutes. The cliché of it all was really exercising my eyes today. I got out without saying anything to my driver and opened the trunk, taking a new, shiny gun out. 

Without giving it second thought, I marched towards the entrance. I was still annoyed, obviously, but my anger had faded from my mind. I truly couldn't be bothered by feeling more emotions than I already did. I had a job to take care of... by myself... again. 

Why do I even pay these people anymore? 

I shot the lock multiple times before kicking the door in. A loud screeching noise filled my ears, making me cringe. 

I carefully stepped inside, gun raised and prepared to show no mercy to anyone who had dared to touch my beloved (Y/N). I disappointedly lowered the gun as soon as I realised there was no one here except some nasty looking rats. These kidnappers weren't as naïve as I initially thought. 

''Damn it,'' I sneered. 

I turned around, about to leave, when I heard a soft groan coming from behind a large stack of carton boxes. Instantly, I raised my gun, aiming at the barrier. I slowly made my way over there, each step strategically placed and quiet. As I neared the corner, I sprinted the last bit and pointed my gun in front of me, ready to shoot.

The gun created a loud noise as it fell to the ground. Behind the stack laid my girlfriend. 

She was unconscious and had a large head wound where blood slowly dripped from. Her shirt was ripped and dirty like the rest of her clothes, and her entire face, arms and legs had several cuts on them, all bleeding as I stood frozen in place. 

The annoyance I had felt melted like snow in the sun. I had never seen (Y/N) like this before. She was usually quick on her feet, confident and strong. When you looked at her, all you could see was her tough outside layer and you'd feel intimidated almost immediately. She was such a powerful woman who could bring anyone to their knees in the blink of an eye. 

But now, in this cold warehouse, her fierce and strong attitude seemed to have vanished. She looked helpless, in pain and even a little scared as she slept. This wasn't the woman I knew and for the first time in my life, I felt a sting in my chest that I could only describe as heartache. 

I loved her, I cared for her. She was my weakness after all. Thinking about it only made the feeling worse. And as my body began to function properly again, I dropped to my knees and gathered her in my arms, carefully tucking her hair behind her ears.

''(Y/N),'' I cooed gently. ''Wake up, my queen.'' 

She stirred a little and then proceeded to open her eyes, groaning as she did so. ''Jimmy?'' She said softly. 

I shushed her. ''It's alright, I got you.'' 

''Where are they?'' She groaned, trying to get up. 

A smile etched its way on my face. Even after being kidnapped and beaten, she was still full of hunger to take revenge. ''Don't worry, Love. I'll get them soon, and I'll make them suffer, just for you.'' I smirked. 

She copied my expression and rested her head on my shoulder, her injuries tiring her. ''Can we go home now?'' She muttered. 

''Anything for you, my queen.'' My arms wrapped themselves around her as I carefully stood up. I carried her out of the warehouse and placed her on the soft backseat of my car. ''I'll be right back,'' I whispered, kissing her head. I rushed back to the warehouse to retrieve my gun. ''I couldn't leave you behind now could I?'' I cooed, pressing a quick kiss to it.

As soon as I got back to the car, I got in and sat close to (Y/N), who snuggled up against me. 

''Are you alright, my queen?'' I wondered, stroking her (H/C) locks. She nodded and closed her eyes, feeling safe and content. ''I'll make sure none of this ever happens again,'' I whispered, kissing her head as she dozed off. ''Never again.''

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