Training Amadeus oODescriptionOo

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Jae throws an extra blanket onto Amadeus' body. She sighs and stares at the sleeping man. It's surprising how peaceful he looks when he doesn't hold a glare or a snarl. Jae then messages the back of her neck, why did she have to get the dangerous type? Why couldn't she get soft, caring, and small type? Jae exits the room, making sure to quietly close the door behind her. She walks into her room and settles herself onto her bed. While laying herself down her eyes catch the sight of a book.

Jae grabs the guide and reads the cover.

'All From Heaven: Amadeus Owner's Guide'

She snorts to herself. How can they make a guide if they can barely control him? She then opens it and flicks to the first part.

History and Temperament of Amadeus

Well, this is interesting. She has read other parts of this guide, but never this section. Jae shrugs and begins to read the chapter.

The Amadeus breed comes from a far away island, where that island is, we wont tell you. He is the most powerful breed from this far away island. The Amadeus was first bred to save civilians from hazardous situations. But, the problem is the Amadeus would kill the people instead of rescue, or kill its owners. This problem caused the breed to almost become instinct. Thankfully our company has captured the last remaining of this special breed, and trained them to become housewarming pets!

Trust us, the Amadeus were way worse before we breed them . . .

Jae slammed the book and threw it onto the ground. Way worse before? ! How worse could Amadeus be then now? He almost chocked her to death the other day!

She took in a breath, trying to relax her nerves. Jae picks up the book and settles herself down again, let's see what else this book has to say about Amadeus. She isn't going to read the rest of his history, she doesn't want to know what other crimes his 'breed' has done.

Being apart of our dangerous type, you can expect your Amadeus to be blood-thirsty, violent, town-destroying, insane, fierce, etc. Amadeus is almost always in a bad mood it's probably one of our most grumpiest breeds. You may find him very ofter glaring at thin air (you) a lot. Relax, this is perfectly normal! Besides, what do you expect? This breed was wild for a large part of it's life and killed without any guilt. So just remember that he would treat any other person like you, which is in his eyes a pile of trash! At some times your Amadeus may growl or snarl at you, just remember to stay calm and slowly exit out of the room, or he might just vent out his anger on you. This breed isn't very talkative, some of our breeders even think that the only word he knows is 'scum'. Never take it to heart if he calls you this, it's perfectly normal. Another thing you might find from this breed is that it loves to throw objects at you, particularly glass. One last note before we move on to the next subject. Never in the right or correct mind, insult them, or it may be your last. Amadeus, is a very proud pet.

We 'All From Hevean', is not responsible for any injury or death that may come upon you.

Jae slams the book shut again with an indifferent expression. She puts the book down and settles herself into bed.

Sleep. Sleep and pretend she never read from that book.


Yeah, short chapter. But I promise the next one will be longer! But I'm glad so many of you like this story! Thanks to all of you who reviewed ^^

See ya next time :D

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