Training Fido (Preview)

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Alright, since his chapters are going to be long and only have three, I'm going to set up a preview. Since it will take myself a while before I'm able to finish any chapter. Also, I want to finish all of his chapters before putting them up. 

So, here's a preview! 


The door closes and the mail man exits, Jae is left standing in the room. This was it? This is what Hopper was panicking so much about? This was it? ! Was there a mistake? Or maybe Hopper was joking with her? No, the last times he tried to prank call her he wouldn't be able to stop his giggling from the other side. She walks up carefully from the box and inspects it. There was no chains like the other ones, and no noises coming from inside.

Did it possibly die? !

-Wait, of course not she heard it grunt when he set the box down too hard.

Jae gulps and walks up to the box. For some reason the silence made her nerves on edge. She removes the tape from the box with shaking hands. Jae tries to slow the beat of her heart before opening the top. She flinches back and closes her eyes. She waits but nothing happens. Jae blinks again and looks back at the box. The sight she found was something very abnormal.

Inside was a boy, probably fifteen. He had silky blond hair and ivory skin, what was really different was his eyes. One was colored blue while the other was a bright green. No, wait, that wasn't the strange thing about this teen. What really made Jae's eyebrow raise-,

-Was that he had a dog suit on.

Not a huge one, but one that was small and showed his face. It also had floppy ears on the top and Jae couldn't help but to think it was adorable.

Staring at the kid, Jae almost forgot how much time has passed. She jumps up and pats down her clothes before looking at the boy.

“Um, are you Fido?”

The blond kid stares at her. That's one thing that wasn't adorable about the boy. It was his stare, it was practically lifeless and looked like a kid trying to zone out his teacher during class. Finally, Fido shakes his head yes.

Jae scratches her head, not really knowing what to do in this situation. Since usually the other pets would be strangling her by now.

“Um, do you want to get out of the box?”

He does the same thing as before. Stare at her with his lifeless eyes before climbing out of the box. He then stands in front of her, staring at her again. With him in front of her, she could see he was shorter than her only coming up to her shoulders. His stare was now starting to tick her off. Jae fidgets a bit, trying to find out what to say.

“Y-You want to eat something? I could make anything, um, what do you want?”

He still stares at her!

What is his problem is he mute or something? !

Fido looks around the room, he then looks back to Jae and points to his throat. Jae blinks, not knowing at first what he means. Soon though it all clicks in her head. Jae's face blushes red.

“O-Oh, you're actually mute.”

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