Training Severus oOExcerciseOo

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Jae's eyes shoot open at the loud voice. She lets out a yelp and falls off her bed. Jae groans while rubbing her head. She then glares up at Severus. Is he crazy? She was sleeping! What kind of person just waltzes in to another person's room at-, Jae glances to the clock and her eyes widen. She then glares back at Severus.

"What the hell is the big idea waking me up at four AM? !" The sun hasn't even settled yet! What could this person want so early in the morning! Heck, this isn't even considered morning for Jae.


She blinks at him. Jae then picks at her ear, did she hear him right? Maybe with all his yelling she's already losing her hearing. Who would want to go out four o' clock in the morning?

"Um, wait. Can you repeat that? But quietly."

Severus snarls at her.


Alright, this one is definitely insane. He actually wants to go out to exercise. Jae stands back up and sits in her bed. She glares at the 'pet'.

"I am not taking you out this early. I have to sleep and it's rude to-, whoa! Put that weapon away! Fine! Fine! I'll take you out!"


If having him at her house was a pain. Driving him made her want to kill herself. It was almost like driving with a little kid on a road trip. Except, this 'kid' had a weapon in his hand and they've only been driving for five minutes.


"I'm not breaking the speed limit." She said with her head on her hand, while the other steered the car. "Also, put on your seat-belt."

Severus points his pointed claws in Jae's face.

"I DON'T NEED THE SEATBELT-!" Jae then slams on the breaks, causing Severus to fall forward and slam his head onto the front of the car. He lets out a scream and points at her with an accusing finger. "YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE, SCUM!"

She rolls her eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you that we're at the park."

He growls at her one last time. Biting his lip, he stops the slur of curses that were going to pour out. Severus opens the door and slams it close. Jae sighs and unbuckles, it really was like dealing with a little kid.

Jae walks out to find Severus standing in the middle of the park. She sits herself down and watches him. She was going to get the leash, but with him not disciplined yet. She's pretty sure she'd get cut down in a second with the suggestion. Jae looks around the area with a smile. It's not a park that has a playground, but is sort of like a forest of deciduous trees. She's always played here since she was little, there's also a beach nearby. Jae glances back to Severus who's still standing in the middle of the park. She quirks an eyebrow, what is he doing here? Is he meditating?

Severus brings up his claws; he then throws his head back and lets out a loud war cry. Jae jumps at the scream and closes her ears. Did he just come here to let out more noise? !

Severus then lungs forward, he slashes his arms side to side. At first, Jae raises an eyebrow at his actions. That was until suddenly four trees fell down from their trunks at once. Her eyes widen at him and her mouth drops. He just cut down four trees, in less than four seconds!


Severus runs even more and deeper into the forest, cutting down more trees. She immediately rises from her seat and runs after the maniac. She knew she should have made him put on a collar!

"Severus! Severus!"

She begins to panic. What if she actually lost him? Jae continues to scream out his name. Now she feels like a mother that just lost her hyped up child! She runs through the forest, her eyes finally find a head of long hair. A smile comes on to her face as she sees the person.

"Severus." Jae runs forward, once she reaches him she pulls onto his hair. Making the male pull out a scream and turn around to glare at her.

"Hey! Why did you follow me, scum! ?"

His voice wasn't as loud; it's probably because of all that lumbering he just did. Jae frowns and pulls on his hair again, pulling out another scream.

"Because you're my pet! You think it's funny to run away? I was worried!"

Severus narrows his eyes at her. He clicks his tongue and folds his arms, turning the other way.

"Like I care, woman. I don't need anyone's help." He then begins to walk away.

Jae bits her bottom lip. She knows what he's thinking, mostly because Severus just says what's on his mind. But, she can't figure out how to discipline him. Locking him out of her house wouldn't do well. Her neighbors would probably file a complaint about the noise coming from her place. She sighs and brushes a hand through her hair.

"Severus. I know you don't like staying with me. But let's head to my place, I'll make you some food."

He stops himself, only to turn around and give her an animalistic sneer. "Whatever, scum."

She's going to have a hard time . . .



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