Training Severus oOIntroductionOo

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"Hopper, what the hell is this?"

"What are you talking about? It's Severus!"

"Well, yeah, I got that. But why is he locked up like this?"

In the morning, Jae was rudely woken up by Hopper knocking on her door. She was still in her pajamas and had her hair tied up to a bun. He brought along the new 'pet', which was carried in by several other men. But, the strange thing was on how he was packaged.

Unlike Amadeus, this box was made out of steel. One thing that was alike was the numerous chains around it. Also, Amadeus was quiet. This box was rocking back and forth, there were also screams coming from it and constant banging in the box. Isn't this sort of abuse? She can't really decide since it's probably keeping her safe right now.


She sweat-drops and messages her temple. Too early in the morning for something like this. Jae turns to Hopper with her arms crossed. "Alright, so how should I take him from the box?" She jerks a thumb towards the 'pets' direction. "Something tells me he's going to be like Amadeus if I take him out."

Hopper shrugs and walks around the girl to the exit of the house. "Don't ask me, you're the trainer. Usually we let him out in a steel room, unfortunately, you don't have that. For now, I just wish you good luck~!" He leaves by slamming the door shut.

She can't believe it, he just left her! How is she suppose to deal with Severus? By the looks on how he's reacting in the box-.


-Calling him 'bad' and flicking the nose wont work like last time. Jae steadily moves to the box, on top she finds the key that unlocks all the chains. She looks at the container for a while before leaning down and knocking on the box.

"If you promise not to hurt me, I'll let you out."

More bangs were heard from inside along with an cannibalistic scream.


Jae quickly retreats her ear from the container as his voice rang out louder. Maybe it's time to look through the guide book quickly to find a solution. She steps back from the box and runs up stairs to her room to retreat the book. Scanning through she finds one line that seems a little helpful, and interesting.

Your Severus is fairly intelligent, but stubborn, so strict training methods are a must for this feisty little breed. Don't hit your Severus, only the Amadeus is allowed to do that.

That last line kept repeating in her head. It would have been interesting if she did keep Amadeus, to see if the two pets were able to get along. For being such opposites in voice volume. She clamps the book shut and runs back downstairs. She goes back to the still rocking box and talks to Severus inside again.

"You're going to be locked in here until you say you'll listen to me."


Ah, memories.

She pulls back again and folds her arms before walking back to her kitchen.

"Fine! But, you'll get hungry."


For some reason Jae feels nostalgic.

Jae nervously peaks out from behind a corner and glances to the steel box that held Severus. It's been two days already. The only thing that's changed is how the box stopped moving. He would occasionally yell every now and then on how he would kill Jae. But so far the 'pet' hasn't cracked! Jae nervously begins to bite her finger nails. She groans and puts a hand to her forehead. She can't take it! She has to let him out whether she gets hurt (killed) or not.

Jae makes some sweets, a few cookies since the guidebook said that Severus loved sweets. She puts the plate of snacks in front of the box. Jae then quietly begins to unlock all the chains. There was one lock left; it was on the side of the box in the center. So far she hasn't heard Severus say anything, relaxing some of her nerves. Jae puts the key in the lock and slowly turns it to the left. A click was heard, and that's when all hell broke loose.


Jae's eyes widen as the side of the steel box was kicked open. She in turn was flung to a wall and groans when her back collides with the hard surface. There goes her plan of letting him out while he was sleeping.


Jae flinches at his loud voice. She could of sworn she just felt her house move by the bombing sound. She looks up to see how he looks like, her eyes widen. He's handsome as Amadeus, but both were very different. Severus had long and glossy platinum hair that touched and pooled on the floor. In the back of her mind she dreaded on how much shampoo he would use. His eyes were as crazy as him and were a gold color. Also, unlike Amadeus his body was very lanky but still had muscle. A strange thing was that his clothes were identical from Amadeus, maybe it's their uniform. From his hand she saw . . . five metal claws? !

That stopped her from gawking at the man. Jae quickly puts her hands up, trying to stop his attack. "W-Wait! I made you something!" She said, pointing to the plate of treats.

Severus' sharp teeth begin to grind together in irritation. "DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A CRAP? !"

Jae's eyes widen as he brings his hand back with the dangerous gear. She grabs a spray bottle from behind her back, praying this would work. Jae raises the bottle up and begins to spray at Severus. At first he blinks at her, but once he realizes what just happened he lets out a loud scream and begins to wipe at his face. Jae raises her hands to her ears, trying to protect them from the loud sound. Severus was finally able to wipe his face off and glares at Jae.

"WHAT THE HELL-?" Jae sprays his face again, this time standing up and holding a firm look. He lets out another blood curdling scream. "STOP THAT! !"

She sprays again.

"WOMAN-! DON'T SPRAY ME!" He says again, trying to stop her.

Jae narrows her eyes at him and folds her arms. "I'll stop once you learn to use your inside-."

"I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM SCUM-! Stop!" She gets satisfied once his voice lowers down again. Finally, she felt like her ears were going to fall off. Jae sighs and folds her arms, still having the spray bottle in hand. Looks like that owner's guide wasn't such a waste.

The Severus also has a fear of water

"Listen, from here on out. You're my pet, which means I'm going to take care of you for a few days."

Severus gets up into Jae's personal space.


Jae glares at him and begins to bring up the spray bottle again. But this time Severus sees it and smacks the bottle from her hand. He growls again and this time speaks in a quiet, but still low voice.

"This is fuckin' shit. I'M NOT ANYONE'S PROPERTY!"

He then stomps away from Jae and heads back up the stairs. She raises an eyebrow at this, has he been through this process of coming to another person's home and trying to be 'trained'. Jae looks to the floor and picks up the bottle again, examining it. Looks like she has her hands full again.


Jae's eye twitch at Severus. A Severus that was lying in her bed.

"Hey, this is my-."


"You're the guest here you have to-."


She slams the door, blocking out some of his yelling. This is tiring; she's going to go to sleep to relieve her stress. And help the pounding in her head.


LOL, here's the chapter I accidently put out before xD

So, lucky you guys! Two updates in one day!

I'm working on WTTCD (Welcome To The Club of Delinquents) right now and try to get that finished ASAP ><

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