Training Amadeus oOHeatOo

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Jae let out a sigh as she was preparing breakfast in the morning. It's been at least three weeks since she visited her shop. With Amadeus she hasn't had a single chance to drop by. Hopefully everything is going good, especially with Willow in charge.

No, she shouldn't jinx it . . .

"Someone help me!" She nearly drops the plates in her hands. Was that someone's scream from outside? Jae rushes to the entrance of her house and begins to panic as she sees the door wide open. Amadeus got out!

Jae runs out and her eyes widen as she sees what's happening. A boy was being dangled in the air with Amadeus holding him by his collar. She quickly walks up to him and pulls on his shirt.

"Amadeus! Bad! Bad! Let him go!" Jae finally jumps up and grabs his hair. He lets out a hiss and releases his grip on the boy. Once the boy hits the ground he rushes onto his two feet and sprints down the street, screaming for help.

Jae panics as she watches the boy escape. She turns a glare towards Amadeus and starts to push him back into the house. Once both were inside she slams the door shut and turns to him with arms on her sides.

"What's wrong with you? ! That little boy wasn't doing any thing!"

Jae waits for a response from him. Amadeus continues to stare at her with no expression. She tilts her head at his reaction. Not even a 'scum'? Jae began to get uneasy with his silence, she starts to shuffle her feet. This isn't like him, usually he would snarl or at least grab her neck. But, he just stood there. Jae steps forward and examines him.


Something in him then snaps. Amadeus' hands pull out and grab Jae's shoulders. Her eyes widen and she tries to fight back, thinking that he was going to hit her. But instead, Amadeus' puts one of his hands on the back of her head and his lips crash down on hers. Jae's eyes widen at his sudden action. She puts her hands up trying to push the male back but with no avail. Amadeus wastes no time and opens her mouth to shove his tongue in.

Jae immediately reacts and raises one of her hands to pinch his cheek, hard. Amadeus growls but pulls back, allowing Jae an escape. She jumps back from him to a far away distance, still heaving from the kiss.

Attacking a random boy, and then sexually harassing her. What the hell is wrong with him? ! She looks up at him, not believing this was actually Amadeus. She looked him down and up, he seemed the same. But, his eyes were different. They looked needy, and were locked on her. She puts a shaking finger up to him.

"That's bad! You can't do something like that!"

Amadeus stares at her, not effected by her words. He then starts to step forward making Jae panic again.

"Amadeus! Stay back!"

He still didn't heed her words. He's not listening at all! She does the first thing that comes to her mind which is to run to the safety of her room. The second Jae runs to the stairs, Amadeus follows at a faster speed. She was only halfway up the stairs until Amadeus jumps her. Jae crashes to the ground and lets out a yelp as she collides with the floor. Amadeus pulls up and brings his mouth to her neck and gives it a hard bite. Jae lets out a scream at the pain. He then starts to lick and suck at the area where he wounded her, making Jae start to whimper. She closes her eyes and turns around to face him, knowing how she would be able to run away.

"I'm sorry."

Jae brings her foot up with huge force and hits him between the legs. Amadeus' eyes bug out and yelps, he then lets go of Jae to craddle where he just got hit. She pulls away from him and gets back on her two feet and escapes to her room. She slams the door-shut and lays her back on it while taking in gasps of air.

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