Training Fido oOGoodByeOo

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Jae could say that the last few days have been, interesting.

Fido seemed to change from emotionless to angry.

She didn't really know why. At first Jae thought it was his teenage hormones raging and he was going through the mood swings. But the looks of anger and confusion were directed towards her almost all the time. It wasn't like he was scorning her, the looks were a mix. Fido was trying to figure out Jae, trying to find out what her character was. Jae for some reason thought of Prince. The two were alike, something she would never say to the two, they both thought everyone in the world was like the people from All From Heaven. She knew she had Fido's trust, since he did feed her and give her water when she was asleep. But, she could now see that he was confused by his actions. He did probably trust Jae, it's just that he doesn't understand the feeling.

“Fido, don't sit so close to the television. You'll ruin his eyes.”

The 'pet' merely scoots back an inch.

Jae rolls her eyes and walks up to Fido. She puts her arms under his and pulls him back a few feet. Only to have him scoot back close to the television. Her eye twitches in irritation. Sometimes he really was a brat. Jae walks up to the television this time turns it off. Fido finally prys his eyes away from the electronic to look up to Jae. She swore she saw a small pout on his dead-looking face.

Don't make me kill you.

“You've been saying that for the last few days, it doesn't work.”

She walks past him and ruffles his hair a little before beginning to walk up the stairs.

“It's time to go to sleep, you better be in bed before twelve. Tomorrow is your last day here.”

Not a fuckin' kid.

For some reason, knowing he is leaving hurt him a bit. Fido starts to kneed the left side of his chest with a slight glare, not understanding

Jae ignores the comment and gets herself ready for bed too. She was upset Fido was leaving, mostly because she wasn't able to understand him more. The teen was still a mystery, his blank stare only confused her more. Usually she was given a month at most with the pets, but she only got a week and a half with Fido. Since she nearly died, Hopper didn't trust her with the 'pet'.

She settles herself down in her bed, thoughts still swarming about Fido. Maybe she should ask for a few more days? Hopper would maybe understand, after all it is the last pet. Jae sighs and stands up from her bed with a frown. She gets up and walks out her room to Fido's.

Jae gently opens the door and peaks inside. Inside she could see that he listened to her and was in bed with blanks over his body, expect for a head of blond hair. Jae smiles at how obedient he was become in a few days. She walks inside and sits herself down on his bed, it looked like he was asleep. She laughs under her breath at the way he was sleeping. Fido's mouth was open and there was already a trail of drool coming out the side and onto his pillow. His body was curled up with knees up to his chest and his hands were folded in a prayer style under his head for support.

Jae smiles and begins to comb her hand through his hair. In a few seconds Fido turns his head swiftly and bits onto Jae's hand. She stops her actions and raises an eyebrow at him as he keeps his teeth on her hand.

“Um, could you let go?”

Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.

He says while still keeping his teeth around her hand.

Alright, sometimes his immaturity annoyed her.

Jae moves her hand with time to pull out of his grip, but he pushes his teeth down on his hand harder making Jae flinch. A frown comes on her face, she then goes to flick his nose. Making Fido let go and raise an eyebrow at her bad.

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