Training Amadeus oOBathingOo

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Jae looks at Amadeus' hair, she blinks and tilts her head. She uses her hands and weaves it a bit through the locks. Amadeus lets out a growl and turns to her with an ugly snarl. She continues to stare at him, now used to the harsh stares he gives her.

"Have you been washing your hair right?"

Amadeus glare becomes more harsh.

She rolls her eyes and backs away from him. His hair is starting to get a little oily. But, she's heard him take a shower. So, shouldn't he be alright?

Jae walks out from the room and goes to the bathroom to snatch the shampoo and conditioner. She comes back to where Amadeus is sitting on the couch and holds up the two containers.

"Which one have you been using to wash your hair?"

He looks at the two and points to the conditioner. She lets out a groan and presses her temples. No wonder his hair hasn't been looking that clean. Jae folds her arms and also gives him one of her glares.

"Go take a shower again." Amadeus glares at her, and she could see a vein on his forehead start to throb. The 'pet' was starting to get annoyed with her interrupting his napping time.

"Scum." He said it slowly, showing how irritated he was.

Jae frowned at the reaction, it's like trying to get a kid to take a bath. She looks him up and down before letting out a puff of air.

"Fine, how about I wash your hair since you don't want to take a shower."

There was a slight pause, Amadeus had his eyes closed in thought. He then opened them and stood up from the furniture and started to walk up the stairs. She blinked at how fast her idea worked. Well, it was the first thought that came into her head. She didn't really he would go along with the idea.

She jumps at his sudden scream.


Jae quickly starts to rush up the stairs to the bathroom. Knowing that cutting into Amadeus' napping time doesn't make him a happy camper. She gets to the room and starts to open the door.

"Just put a towel around your neck and lean over the sink-. What the hell! ?"

Jae's face bursts a bright red as she walks into the bathroom. In the middle was Amadeus standing.


Jae stutters as her eyes go up and down the exposed skin. Perfectly, sculpted. Her face darkens even more and she turns around trying not to face him again.

"P-Put your shirt back on!"

Amadeus glares at her back on him, not liking the way she's reacting. He begins to walk forward with a snarl.


Jae panics as she hears his word and footsteps start to get closer. She spins towards him and points a finger at the male, using the other hand to hold her red face.

"D-Don'te step any-! . . . Closer?"

Her words fade out as her finger goes down. Jae panicked so much seeing Amadeus in such a position, she didn't notice the scars all over his body. He raises an eyebrow at her sudden change of attitude, and lets out another growl.


She continues to stare at the marks. There was no description in the owner's guide about scars. Her eyes then widen as she remembers what Hopper said about the four new 'pets'.

"They think he's so untrainable they've started to use things like tazers."

Her look softens as she continues to stare at the scars. He's been abused. She walks forward towards him to get a closer look at the huge scar on his chest, it was large and started from the top all the way to the bottom. Jae's eyes harden.

"Did the company, do this to you?"

She keeps her eyes down while saying this. Amadeus merely lets out a grunt in response. Jae licks her lips, and small tears start to gather in the corner of her eyes. She closes them and leans forward towards him and rest her head on his chest.

"I promise. You'll have a better life, I'll do whatever it takes Amadeus."

Amadeus blinks at her head against him and frowns. Not that he's angry, but just that he doesn't know how to react in this situation. She's not hurting him, annoying, or doing anything. Should he shoot her?

Damn, he left his gun outside . . .


He said it softly but still with the same ugly tone. Amadeus raises his hand and puts it on Jae's head. She smiles at the gesture, happy that there's some goodness in his heart.

But he then grabs the hair and uses that to pull her back. Jae yelps and looks up to him with a wince. Amadeus had his usual glare and held up the shampoo bottle. She blinks at him before letting out a laugh.

"Fine, fine. But, I'm not washing your body."


Jae walks into her bathroom ready to take her shower. Once she walks into the room her face falls and a deep blush appears. Jae glares at him and points her finger.

"I told you, dammit! I'm not going to wash your body!"

Amadeus was laying in the bathtub casually. His arms were laid out beside him and his eyes were closed. Oh, and let's not forget that the male is nude. He opens one of his eyes to glance at her and lifts one hand to show his gun.


With the snap of the release on his gun, Jae knew she didn't have a choice in this situation.


I was relatively happy with this chapter! Even though it's pretty short . . .

I would start working on the next chapter but I have a feeling it's going to be long and might take a while . . .

So! Be practiced for the next one! And also, especially for the one after that because it's going to probably be your guys' favorite! X3

Review please! :D

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