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 There were many thoughts running through Jae's mind. A lot consisted of her worry about the condition of her home. Also about the safety of Hopper. Having one 'pet' was dangerous, but all four of them was suicidal. They would always complain about each other and throw insults about the other 'pet'. How did Hopper even manage to get all boxes to her house?

But, that's not the number one thought in her mind. Jae was genuinely excited to see them. There was no denying the sounds before the line went dead, the four were home and Hopper was currently at their mercy. A smile was on her face, but then it was wiped off as she realized the situation. Is her house even in one piece right now?!

Jae's feet carried themselves a little faster at the thought. Once at her doorstep Jae pauses a bit with her hand near the doorknob. She closes her eyes and takes a breath before opening the door. She feels her heart swell at the sight, but at the same time her face twitches in irritation.

Inside Hopper was tied upside and had tears streaming down his face with sniffles. Prince was laughing at the side of Hopper, kicking the male every now and then making Hopper cry out more. On the side Severus was yelling at Amadeus. The bigger 'pet' was laying down on the couch, throwing a vase whenever Severus got too loud. While Fido was . . .

Still in his box, tumbling around and singing 'The Wheels On The Bus'.

She stares at them with her mouth dropped in shock.

Did all those months of training go for nothing?!


The chaos around her continues. Only getting worse as Prince decided is would be fun throwing glass at Severus along with Amadeus.

“Noisy scum.”




“Ke ke ke ke. You're senses are dazing, shitty-dog. Bark as much as you want, it doesn't effect your bite.”

“. . . I dare you to fuckin' say that again.”

The wheels on the bus go round 'n round, round 'n round

All the glass are thrown to Fido's box.

Hey! Is this how I trained you guys to act?!

All the commotion in the room stop as everyone falls silent. The five males turn their heads to Jae with wide eyes. Hopper looks like he was saved from being killed, which he probably almost was. While the rest of them had guilt on their faces, like they were kids being caught trying to sneak some cookies from the jar.

Well, expect for Fido. For some reason he was still in his box.

“Prince, let Hopper down.”

His mouth forms to a small pout. The 'pet' unwillingly takes out a knife and cuts the side of the rope, making Hopper fall to the ground face first. The red-head quickly gets up from the ground and rushes to the side of Jae, clinging on to her with tears still going down his face.

“I thought I was going to die! Jae, thank you so much I could, -Ack!”

Hopper suddenly feels the intense glares being pierced into his back. Hopper jumps off of Jae and looks to the others with his hands up.

“I-I'm not interested! She's all yours!”

Jae still had a glare on her face. Yes, she was happy they were here. But, after seeing how the 'pets' were acting she wasn't in a good mood. She also didn't know why they were here. Jae turns to Hopper with her eyes furrowed.

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