Chapter 3

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The weekend went by faster than I had expected. Justin and I just stayed home, since it was raining all weekend long. The one thing that hadn't left my mind was about what happened Friday night. 

That kiss was so familiar. I just sat at my desk, just thinking of who it could be, until my father knock on my office door and came in.

"Good morning." He said as I gave him a faint smile. I nodded and then went back to work. "Your mother and I would like to talk to you. It's about the Locke case." I froze. 

"Okay, did you want to talk about it here or in your office?" I asked as he shut the door and sat down and pulled a chair closer to me. 

"Well, we can't find his case file. It came in about a week or two ago, but I haven't seen it." I then grabbed my key and unlocked one of my desk drawers and grabbed the Locke file and handed it to him. "And you did have it?"

"Well, I thought that I would find him, since it was someone I went to high school with." I lied, but I had a feeling that he knew that I was lying. 

"Why did Tim give this to you?" He sat, dropping the file on my desk and started pacing back and forth. "Why don't you kids ever listen to me? This was Tim's case. I made sure of it." 

"Why didn't you give the file to me?" I asked as I looked at my father to see look out the window. "You know exactly why."

"He didn't kill his parents and when that happened, he was with me the entire time." I said, I was really pissed that my father was bringing this up. Michael and I were best friends when we were little. He was the bad boy in high school because he partied. He and I had gotten into a lot of trouble when we were younger. My parents hated him. 

"Elizabeth, I don't want to hear it! You stay away from him." He then took the file from my desk and slammed the door as he left. 

I held my head in my hands. Why the hell was he bringing this up? Something what going on with him, whether it was Tim or Michael case, he was upset. If he didn't want to tell me, I will find out, one way or another. 

"So why weren't you at work?" I asked my brother as we were siting at my kitchen table. "You missed out on me and dad fighting." Tim rolled his eyes.

"What's new." He then took another sip of red wine. "What was it about this time?"

Before I told him, I took a deep breathe and a sip of wine. "It was about the file." Tim's eyes got big. "He said that it was yours to do and that I need to stay away from him."

"Well, that's a reason why I wasn't at work today, because they fired me." Tim then finished his wine and poured another glass for himself. "Have you seem him?"

"Mikey? No." I got up and walked into the bedroom to see if Justin was here, but thank god he wasn't. The last thing I need is for him to get really jealous and overprotected over me. I sat back down and took another sip of wine. "You can't let Justin know, but when we went drinking Friday night, Justin told me to meet him out by his car when he went to pay the tab..."

"Keep going, don't just stop there." 

"I tripped and some guy helped me out and told me I was beautiful, then kissed me." Tim's eyes got big again. He mouthed the words 'shut up'. "But the weird thing is that when he kissed me, it was like I had kissed him before. I can't remember who it would be though." 

"This is the best gossip I've heard in weeks!" Tim took another sip and then looked at me smiling. "So, what are you going to do now? To be honest, I've never seen you blush like that since..." He paused and then his mouth got wide. "Oh. My. God. It's him." 

My face got even redder as I thought about it and it was him. Why would he kiss me out of nowhere? I couldn't believe that it was Michael. I was in complete denial. "No, it can't be. He told me that he never had feeling for me."

"Who knows, maybe he realized that he's in love with you and then came back to confess his unconditional love to you." Tim said. "Ah, young love!" 

"I think you have had too much to drink." I chuckled. Justin walked in with a pizza and bread sticks. He walked over to me and then kissed me on the forehead. "Hey babe." 

"I see that Tim is going to need a ride home?" Justin said as I giggled. 

"Yes, can you call a cab for him?" I asked, he nodded yes and then walked into the bedroom to make the call. 

"So, what are you going to do about Justin?" Tim whispered. 

"Nothing, I'm in love with Justin. I see a future with Justin, not him." When I spoke those words, I realized that I hadn't thought about having a future with Justin, other than parting. He's talked about kids and marriage a lot lately, but it never seemed to cross my mind if we did ever get married. 

"You keep telling yourself that." Tim said as Justin came out of the bedroom. "Cab here, stud?" 

"Yes." Justin said, grabbing two paper plates as Tim left. I then closed the wine bottle and placed it back to where all the other bottles of wine were. "How was work?" 

"Fine. What about you?" I asked. 

"It was good." 

We sat in silence while we ate. I couldn't take the silence any longer, so I spoke. "So, um, do you see a future with me?" 

"Of course I do. I also see us kissing our 3 children to bed." He smiled and took care of our plates. 

"Three kids? Why three?" I asked as we both walked into the bedroom and I laid down on my back as Justin took his shirt off. 

"Yeah, two boys and one beautiful girl." I smiled. I wish I could start seeing us have a future, maybe it takes more time? 

"Well, I've got to go to bed. Work in the morning, remember?" I said getting under the sheets with Justin. 

"We can go to bed in a little bit." He started kissing up my arm all the way up to my neck. Then we started to make out, but I wasn't in the mood. So we just ended up cuddling until we both fell asleep.    

My Secret Love (18+)Where stories live. Discover now