Chapter 15

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I looked at myself in the mirror. Took a deep breathe and smiled. Looking outside, it was a beautiful evening for a date on the boardwalk. I was nervous, its been years since I've been on a date with Michael. 

Michael was sitting on the swing in dark blue jeans with a plaid button up shirt. He smiled when he saw me. "You look beautiful." He said.

I smiled as he stood up and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Ready for tonight?" 

I nodded as he grabbed my hand and we started to walk down to the board walk.

"So, what do you have in mind for tonight?" I asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He smirked. "But it will be a night to remember."

I started to get butterflies in my stomach, just like I did the first time we met.

As we walked down the boardwalk, we headed over to the amusement park. I started to smile. He remembered.

Our first date was at the town fair and he had snuck me out, since my parents hated him and did not like the fact that he was a 'bad boy', has my father put it.

Michael tugged my hand, "So where do you want to start? Your choice."

I smiled as I pointed over to, what was called, the Thunderbolt. One of my favorite rides to go on.

We started to walk over to the ride, when I noticed him. I froze were I stood. He wasn't alone. My father was standing right next to him.

"We can't go over there." I said as Michael looked to confused.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, as my father spotted me from the distance. I turned around and ran as fast as I could, pulling Michael with me. "What the hell is going on?"

I ignored him and kept running, until I ran into the nightclub, that was  far enough to explain. Once we got in, I hurried over to wear the bathrooms were.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on right now?"

"He's here."

Michael's face froze. "Who's here?"

"My dad and my ex. They were standing by the ride with a SWAT team. I have to let my brother know." I pulled out my phone and dialed my brother's number.

The phone kept ringing and ringing. He wasn't picking up. I was getting worried. "How did they find me?" I asked as Michael was on his phone calling out to someone.

I tired to call my brother again, still no answer.

"We have to go back to the house." I said as I started walk away. Michael grabbed my hand.

"We can't. We need to stay here, my boys are on their way to get your brother and bring them to a safe location."

"Michael, how did they find me?" I asked again.

"I'm not sure, I did everything to prevent them from finding you or your brother. My friend, Caleb, said that they checked the video footage of us all boarding the plane, but he can't confirm for sure."

Michaels phone went off and he quickly answered the text message. "Did they find my brother? Is he okay?" Michael had a sad look on his face, which worried me. "Michael, my brother is fine, right??" I asked again.

"I'm honestly not sure, but we do need to get out of here, now." He grabbed my hand as we went out the back door.

Their was a black Hummer waiting for us. We jumped into the car and sped away.

"Jay, what the fuck is going on?" Michael asked the guy in the driver seat.

"Shit just went down and let's just say I grabbed you guys shit and fucking left." He explained, driving as fast as he could.

"Where's my brother? Is he okay?" I asked.

"We got him just in time before they started to blowing shit up, but when we spilt, they caught the sight of Ren's car and started to follow him. I tired to get your brother to get in my car, but I don't think he heard me."

"Where are they now?" Michael asked as he jumped in the other front seat and grabbed the GPS. "Shit, they are on his tail." Michael turned to me. "Call your brother right now."

I dialed my brother's number. It kept ringing, until I heard his voice. "Tim, are you okay? Please tell me if you are okay?"

"Sweetie, I'm fine, but your wondering ex is on our ass."

"Did you see dad?"

"Yeah, but about him, he's never going to hurt us anymore."

"What do you mean, Tim?" I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"He's dead." I went silent and froze.

"Elizabeth, hey, what did he say?" I dropped my phone on my lap and Michael quickly grabbed it.

"Hey Tim, its Mikey. What's going on?"

I just couldn't believe it. My father was actually dead? I hated him, but I never wished for him to be dead. I still stood, frozen.

All I could think of is that I went through all this trouble and my father ends up being killed. My mind kept racing.

Michael got off the phone and turned to look at me.

"Elizabeth? You okay?" He asked. I still went silent. "We are going to meet up with your brother in a little bit. They lost your ex in the backways."

I looked out the window and stared through the glass.

We finally stopped driving when we got to a place that looked like a safe house. Michael looked back to me, but I ignored him. I was just overwhelmed with everything. I didn't know how to feel.

I got out the car and fell to my knees. Tears fell from my face. I couldn't stop crying. All I could picture was my father, taking Tim and I to the park, playing on the playground as he would watch from one of the park benches. Back to when we were younger and there was nothing wrong with my life. Back before I met Michael.

"Elizabeth, I'm here for you." Michael said as he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't feel that warmth that I felt before, nor how much I loved him. All I could feel was rage.

I stood up, pushing him off of me.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I screamed. "You caused all this! This is your fault! I wish I never met you!" I slapped Michael across his face. My tears were starting to dry on my face because of the wind.

"It wasn't my fault!" He said, but I didn't believe him. "Can you please just calm down so we can figure out what's going on." I then saw another car pull up and Tim run out to me.

"No, I tired of listening to you! All you have done is ruin my life!" I looked over and Tim. "C'mon, I'm leaving."

I started to walk over to one of the other vehicle that Tim was just in and got into the drivers seat. Tim got on the other side, but Michael stopped before I could close the door.

"You aren't going anywhere. I know you are angry with me, but you and your brother going out on your own is a bad idea." He paused. "I don't want to risk you getting hurt when I could've protected you."

I then sat down in the drivers seat and looked up at him. "Just like you protected me from getting beaten. You weren't their for me, only after when I was left for dead. You never stopped him from beating me or raping me. I'm better off by myself rather being protected by you."

I could see the hurt in Michael's eyes. I knew he hated himself for happened to me. I knew it was gonna hurt him, but it was the only way he was going to let go of the door and let me leave.

I slammed the door shut, started the car and drove off.

"Where are we going exactly?" Tim asked after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know. Anywhere, but here." I said as we drove down the long road ahead of us.

My Secret Love (18+)Where stories live. Discover now