Chapter 11

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After lunch, Tim and I walked over to the ticket booth a bought a few tickets to go on a couple rides. We walked over to the Tilt-a-Whirl and waited in line. 

"I haven't been on this ride in years!" Tim said, as I thought back to when we were younger. Our parents never allowed us to go on amusement rides. Michael would sneak us out and hung out at the town fair all night. 

"It's been a while." The ride finally stopped so we could go on. Tim and I both spotted number 3 as the fast spinner. Once we were in, it felt like yesterday that we were going on the Tilt-a-Whirl for the first time. 

We both laughed as we were spinning faster and faster, until the ride came to a complete stop. Once we got off the ride, we were still laughing, but when I looked down the boardwalk, I saw Michael, walking towards us. 

My god did he look hot. Wearing long jean pants and a black tank top that really showed more of his figure. I turned to Tim, as he turned and saw Michael. 

"You need a drink?" I asked. Tim nodded and we walked off to the bar. I started to walk faster. 

"Question. Why are we avoiding Michael?" Tim asked and I placed a devilish look on my face. 

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I turned my head to the side. "Karma's a bitch."

The bar was pretty packed for a Tuesday night. Tim and I head right over to the bar.

"4 shots over here." Tim asked and pointed to where we were. The bartender quickly came over and poured us our shots. "Hunny, slow down." 

Tim said as I had just pounded all four shots down. He looked puzzled, but didn't say anything. 

"What are you trying to do?" He asked. I called over the bartender to make a Sex on the Beach, then looked back to Tim. 

"I'm going to prove a point." The bartender handed me my drink and I took a sip. Tim still looked confused. 

"What do you mean?" Then Tim thought about it and his eyes got really big. "Oh, no. No, please don't do what I think you are going to do. You are just gonna piss him off even more than he already is."

I walked to the middle of the dance floor, I started dancing solo, until I felt a guy start to grind on me. "You are fine as hell." The mystery guy whispered in my ear. "You with anybody? I'm really not in the mood to get my ass beat." 

"Only me and my brother, who is over by the bar." I turned around and looked at the guy. He was cute with his blond messy hair and amazing green eyes. I whispered in his ears. "By the way, I didn't catch a name."

He whispered back, "Dylan." He then pulled me close as I turned around, grinding all over him. I caught Michael staring. 

"Elizabeth." I answered. I turned and faced Dylan. "Do you want to go outside?" 

Dylan smiled and nodded. I grabbed his hand as we exited the club, but before I left, Michael was following us. "Is he your ex?" Dylan asked as we kept walking down the board walk. 

"We never really dated. Just best friends, but I'm getting back at him." I probably shouldn't of said that, but Dylan seemed into it. 

"What did you have in mind?" I saw the house coming closer. 

"You'll see." I said, I turned back to see where Michael was at, but he far enough so that he can't stop it in time. We walked up the stairs, that lead to the deck. I turned and faked a smile. "Kiss me. Now." 

Dylan pressed his lips against mine. Then his tough slowly slipped in. I started getting turned on a little, but the moment was ruined when Michael pulled me away from him. 

"What the hell, Michael!" I yelled. He was pissed. He looked at me and I  could tell that it hurt him. He then turned to Dylan and started throwing a punches. I ran back over to them and tired pulling Michael off Dylan. "Cut it out, Michael!" I screamed, and he threw one last punch and then looked at me, frowning. 

"Get inside." He commanded, but I didn't move. Instead, I got down and checked on Dylan. His face with horrible. "Get the fuck inside! We need to talk. NOW!" He yelled. 

"No! Fuck off!" I said, but he threw me over his shoulders. He turned to Dylan and gave him an evil stare. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you." I told Dylan, but I could see that he understood. 

Michael still had me over his shoulders as he went into my room. Threw me on my bed and slammed the door. 

"What the fuck was that?" He yelled. I rolled my eyes. He just got more pissed at me. 

"Karma is a bitch and you deserved it." I got up and walked over to the door, but Michael was blocking it. "Move!"

"No, you aren't running away from this. We are gonna have a nice long talk about this." He then pointed to me to sit on the bed. "Why are you such a pain in my ass?" 

I sat down at the foot of the bed. "Why are you such a jackass?" I giggled. 

"This isn't funny. Why would you do that? And in front of me? What were you thinking?" He crossed his arms. I really didn't want to be questioned tonight. 

"I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to have some fun." I said, taking everything out of my pockets. "Are we done? I would like to change and go to bed." 

"No, we aren't done." I then got up and picked out some sweats and a t-shirt. "I said we aren't done talking, Elizabeth." 

"I know, okay? Turn around, I'm gonna change, since you won't leave." As soon as I said that, he turned around and faced the wall. 

I slowly let my pants slide down as Michael just kept talking. I pulled my shirt over my head, the only clothing I had on were a thong and a bra. 

"I just can't believe yo-." Michael had turned around before I could put my pj's on. "Damn." Michael's mouth dropped as he saw what I was wearing. 

"Are you gonna keep staring or let me get dressed?" I asked as I grabbed the sweat pants and pulled them on. 

"I'd like to do something else." I then threw over a red plan tee. It fitted me to my body figure, which I liked and could see that Michael was liking it too. 

"Well, that's not going to ever happen, again." I said, getting into my bed. "I'd like to see you try." I smirked as I laid in bed, ready to fall asleep. 

"I'll take that challenge." He opened the door and grind to me." 

I then realized what I said. "I was just joking about that." I said before he left. "I was kidding. There is no challenge." But knowing Michael, even if I was joking, he's always won. I won't let him win this time. 

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