Chapter 14

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I walked back and forth in my room. Thinking about everything. Why was I saying that it was a mistake? It felt like a mistake in my mind, but in my heart, it was perfect. 

I haven't talked to Michael in a few days. He hasn't said a word to me, yet.

I threw my hands in my hair. I was so confused. I didn't know what to do. Maybe I should just give him a chance and see how it goes. Or just move on and see if someone else would better for me. 

The one thing that I couldn't stop thinking about, was the sex. Just thinking about him putting his hands over me and toughing me. Him kissing my lips so passionately. I was getting wet just thinking about it. 

I laid on my bed and my phone went off. 

Mikey: U in ur room? 

I smiled down at my phone when I read his text. 

Me: Yeah, just thinking.

I sat up and looked out my window. The sun was just about to set, with bright warm colors surrounding the sky. Tomorrow would be a perfect day to go to the beach, but a drink sounded great. 

Mikey: About wat? Us, I hope.

I rolled my eyes, what else could I be thinking about?

The sex, duh.

Well, that too. 

Me: Yeah, and other things.

I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to see Michael on the counter, with a grin on his face. He looked up, still grinning. 

"What were the other things?" He asked as I went into the fridge and grabbed some liquor. "Well, well, going hard tonight?" 

He grabbed two shot glasses and placed them on the island. I opened the vodka and poured it in both shots. 

"You know," I said, placing the bottle back down and grabbing a shot. "Maybe you should join me." I smirked and took the shot. The liquor burned going down my throat. Michael then took his shot and placed it back on the island. 

"Maybe, I will." As I poured us both another shot. 

6 shots in and 4 beers in, I was feeling it. We were laughing, watching Trailer Park Boys. Michael rolled up a joint and lit it. 

"W-What is that?" I asked. He inhaled and shot gunned the smoke into my mouth. I sucked in all I could before coughing my ass off. Michael started laughing. 

"You ruined the moment, dummy." He paused. "I was gonna kiss you after." I got into his lap and threw my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry, I haven't smoked weed in like forever." I took another sip of my drink. 

"Wow. I'll change that." I giggled. He gazed in my eyes, god, was he beautiful. He turned and faced the t.v. I thought he was going to kiss me, but never made the effort. 


"Why what?" He said. 

"Why didn't you kiss me?" I asked, leaning in closer. He turned and looked at me. "I won't kiss you until you made up your mind."  

"What if I don't have my mind made up and I want to just do things." I said, finishing my drink and placing the empty bottle on the coffee table. 

"What? Like a friends with benefits?" I nodded as we both stood up. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to hurt you."

"I-I'm sure." I said, grabbing his hand and walking up the stairs into my bedroom. 

Once we were in, I closed the door behind us and pushed him down onto the bed. 

"Woah, Elizabeth." He said as I got on top of him and started kissing him. His arms started running up and down my body. He rolled me onto my back and held my hands above my head. He stopped kissing. "I can't do this, I know you are gonna get hurt." 

I sat up and looked at him weird. "No, no, no. I-I want this. I-I-I want to have sex with you, again."

Michael got off the bed and walked over to the door. "We can talk about this when we aren't drunk." He left the room.

"Seriously??" I said to myself. My drunk ass didn't want him to leave. I was determined to do what I wanted to do before. I wanted him. I wanted to feel him, make love to him. 

I ran over into my closet and grabbed my sexy red bra and panties outfit. I threw a robe on and headed to Michael's room. 

He was sleeping in his bed. I slowly closed the door behind me and got into his bed. Michael moved around until he looked up and saw me, taking off my robe and throwing over the side of the bed. 

I got on top of him and looked at him. "Please, one more time." I placed my hand against his cheek. "Please, Mikey. Make love to me." 

Michael sat up and gazed in my eyes. He placed his hand on the back of my neck. "One more time, that's it." I nodded as he brought me in for a kiss. 

The kiss went deeper as I was sitting in his lap. He started to take off my bra, sliding the straps down my arm. I pulled on his hair as he started kissing on my neck, nibbling on it. I moaned.  He grinned at me. 

He laid me down, pulling down his boxers and taking off my panties. He grabbed one of my boobs and lean down lick on my nipple. I moaned even more. 

I looked up at him and as he was stroking his member. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded as he inserted inside me. It fell amazing. He was standing up, thrusting as hard as he could. I moaned louder, sitting up and making love even faster.

I felt like we were fucking for hours. Changing positions, kissing every inch of each other bodies. We went more than once and kept going til the sunrise. Michael and I cuddled until, I fell asleep in his arms. I felt safe, happy, and alive. 

I woke up the next morning to the sounds of my brother and Michael, talking. I kept my eyes closed as I listened in. 

"You guys need to get sound proof walls. I may be gay, but ew." My brother said. I heard Michael chuckle. 

"I didn't think she would get that loud, but I just hope that I didn't make her regret it." Michael said. 

"She's loved you for a really long time. You have no idea what you mean to her. I think she's afraid you'll leave her, again." 

"I won't do that to her again, I promise." He said, which made  me smile. "I better get back in there because she thinks I left her again."

"Okay. I just want to say that I'm so happy for you two. I really am." My brother said, as I heard him walking down the stairs. I closed my eyes tight as I felt, Michael's warm hands around my waist. 

He started to plant kissed down my neck. I couldn't help but smiled as a turned to lay on my back. Michael stared in my eyes and smiled. 

"I thought you were still sleeping?" He asked, gently pushing my hair behind my ear. "You are so beautiful."

I smiled and held his hand against my cheek. "I was, but someone left my side."

"Sorry, I had to get something to drink after last night." I giggled. "But, um, what about us?"

I knew this was going to come up today, but I didn't think that it would be as soon as we were awake. 

"Well," I said, siting up, wrapping the blanket around my body, walking over to the window, looking outside. The sun was shining bright and the waves were slowly crashing onto the beach. "I want to give us a chance, but I need more time." 

I turned and looked at him. He looked crushed, but he got up and walked over to me. "How about we go on a date today? Just us, all day. Like I told you, I'm gonna make you fall in love with me all over." 

"Fine, but what do you have in mind?" I asked. He smiled, pulling me in close. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I smiled, as he kissed me.

I was wondering what he had in mind, I haven't been on a real date, since Justin. Maybe this time, it will be different. 

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