Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning, alone. I sat up, hugging the sheets to my body. My head was killing me. What the hell happened last night?  I realized that my clothes were everywhere. 

I got up, wrapping the sheet around me, as I got up and tried to gather my clothes. I walked over to the window and looked outside. The sun was shining bright today. As I looked down, I saw Michael, working on a car outside, shirtless. 

He looked up and saw me in the window, smiling. He then looked like he was coming inside. I quickly got dressed. It was completely wrong. I thought to myself. I then grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs, walking in front of Michael. 

"Morning beautiful." Michael said as he tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away. He looked confused. I walked over to my brother, who looked at both of us, knowing that he heard everything from last night. 

"Awkward." Tim said as he walked up the stairs. I headed for the front door, but Michael grabbed my arm. 

"What the hell is wrong with you? We make love and you act like it never happened?"

"Because it was a mistake, Mikey. I should've never slept with you last night." I pulled from his grip and walked out the front door with him following right behind me. 

"What doesn't make sense? Please tell me, Elizabeth." He paused as I sat down on the swing, that was on the deck. 

"We should've never done anything at all. I can't keep doing this, having my hopes up and then you leaving me like you did before. I can't have my heart go through this anymore." I started to cry a little. "I just can't, Mikey." 

He sat down on the swing and hugged me. I got up, I wasn't going to let him comfort me. As much as I wanted him to, I just couldn't. 

"I didn't leave because of you, if that's what you were thinking." He paused. "I left because I had to, not because I wanted to."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because of your father. He was going to have me killed." My heart dropped. My father wanted to kill him? I knew my father hated him, but having him killed was just wrong. "The night we made love for the very first time and your father caught us. He was planning on having me killed. My boys got me out alive, but I felt like a fucking asshole for leaving you there. I tried to go back and explain, but when I saw you with Justin, and how happy you were, I just couldn't." 

He placed his head in his hands. I got down on both of my knees and pulled his head up slowly. 

"Why didn't you?" I asked. Our eyes met. He placed his hand on my check. 

"I didn't want to break your heart more than I did before." He then kissed my forehead. "I'm not gonna push you anymore to love me. I already feel like a dick for bring that girl over last night. We didn't do anything, if you wanted to know." 

I felt a little relieved. He stood up, helping me up. I wanted to kiss him, but I needed time. I needed time to think about everything. "I need to think about it before I jump into anything." 

"If space is what you need, I'll give you all the time and space you need. I just want to do this one more time, if it is my last." He said, pushing my hair to the side and slowly coming closer, kissing me. 

The spark that we had since we were younger, never changed. The only thing that did was time. I didn't push him away or stop him. It felt right. He kept kissing me, until he pulled away before we did anything else that we might regret. 

I froze, watching him walk down the porch to the car that he was working on. I touched my lips and smiled, I couldn't help but smile. The one thing that wouldn't leave my mind, was that kiss. 

My Secret Love (18+)Where stories live. Discover now