Chapter 10

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"Why did I drink to much?" I asked myself as I had just finished puking in the toilet. I got up and changed into a pair of shorts and a purple tank top. I usually don't wear tank tops, but today was just hot. 

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to find that I was the only one up. As I looked at the clock, it was only 11:43 a.m., Michael had just  walked in. His dark orange hair was wet and he was only wearing a towel. 

"Morning." He said as I turned and started to make coffee. "Coffee? Don't you only drink only iced coffee?" 

I turned the coffee machine on and looked right at him. "I do, but I drink both." 

Michael came over with three coffee cups and placed them next to the coffee machine. I could help but notice that he rubbed right up against me. I closed my eyes and counted to five. As I turned around, I touched something that I didn't mean to touch. 

He came closer to me, pushing up his boner against me. "Why did you do that?" He whispered into my ear. "Your getting me hard." He then kissed my ear and then started to bite softly against my neck. 

He was turning me on, not in a bad way, but a good way. Flashes of Justin raping me, made me pull away. 

"I can't." I said as I then ran up to my bedroom and started to cry into my pillow. 

Why do the flashes keep coming back of what Justin did? All I felt was pain and how Justin held me down, as I tired to break free. I shook my head and cried some more. 

A couple minutes later, some one knocked on my door. "Go away!" I said, then just kept crying more. The door opened and then closed shut. 

"Please Elizabeth, talk to me." I heard Michael's voice. He started to rub my back, which felt very relaxing. "Did I do something wrong?"


"Okay, what is it?" Michael asked again. Then I heard my brother come in.

"Michael. Just drop it." Tim said and then handed him a note. I sat up, until I saw Michael's face when he read it. He was about to say something, but Tim interrupted. "Don't."

"Don't what?" 

"You know what?"

"Why not, that fucking asshole deserves it!" Michael said, then turned to look at me. "Why didn't you tell me? I knew something was wrong, but I thought it was him just beating you."

Tim left the room and it went silent. 

"How could I tell you? Are you serious?" I then got out of bed and faced him. "You didn't give two shits about me until now. It's been years since I've seen you and all of a sudden you care? You told me that you never loved me and never wanted to see me ever again, but look where we are now-," Michael pulled me in and kissed me.

I felt warm and happy. That spark that you get when you kiss someone special, but I pulled away. 

"No, you can't keep doing this, Mikey!" I said, sitting down at the end of the bed as Michael joined me as well. 

"I left because I got scared of you loving me." He said, holding my hand in his. 

"Why didn't you told me how you felt?" I asked, he looked into my eyes.

"I'm a guy. You know how hard it is to express my feelings." I laughed a little bit.  

"You could've at least told me how you felt, before you left." 

"I'm sorry." He said, but I grabbed my purse and just left. I walked right out of the door towards the board walk. 

I texted my brother to meet me at the video arcade that they had by the board walk. I walked right in, exchanged my ones for quarters, and walked right to one of my favorite games, Guitar Hero. 

I popped a dollar of coins into the machine and selected one of my favorite songs to play, Cliffs of Dover. 

As I was playing, I swung the guitar around and knocked someone out. As I turned around, Tim got back up and rubbed his head. 

"So much for trying to scare you." He said as I finished a song. "Hungry? I'm craving a juicy burger and a milkshake."

I laughed as I put the guitar back in it's spot and we walked out. "Where do you want to go? Somewhere away from the house."

"It's a surprise." He smiled and we kept walking down the board walk to a small bar/restaurant that was right next to a t-shirt shop. We walked right up to the bar. "Isn't this cute?" 

"Adorable." Then one of the waiters came over and asked us what we wanted. Once she got our orders, she left to go get our drinks. 

Tim then turned to me and smiled. "So what happened after I left?" I rolled my eyes.

"Same old bullshit." I said, but Tim knew that I was hiding something and crossed his arms. "Okay, okay. I'll tell you."

The waiter came back with my strawberry Mike's Hard and Tim a Twisted Tea. I took a sip and then took a deep breathe. 

"Keep this between us. Michael tried making a move on me, but I pushed him away because he triggered a flash back of Justin raping me."

Tim hugged me as a small tear fell from my eyes. "It's okay. He must of touched you a way that brought that flashback."

"I don't know, but Michael is being a pain in the ass." I took another sip and then spoke, again. "Saying that he left because he was afraid that someone would actually love him, but he comes back now and wants to fix everything." 

"Well, he must really love you to do all the stuff he did for you." The waiter came with our food. "Thanks, hunny." Tim said to the waiter as she smiled at Tim. 

"He has a weird way of expressing it." 

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