Chapter 1: School

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"Hunter remember to take out the trash on your way out."

"Yes mom." I replied finishing off the sandwich she made while heading to the door.

I took up the garbage bag throwing it in the dumpster on reaching outside. Ma and I lived alone in a very up scale neighbourhood. She is a medical doctor and dreams of me becoming one also and its a lucky think I love that career and its been my dream since forever to become one also . My dad left my mom and I when I was a baby and that's the extent of my knowledge of him.

I was currently in my final year at Rosedale Academy after which I will secure a scholarship to a top medical school , hopefully Harvard . I got in my white Toyota and drove to school exiting the posh neighbourhood and driving a little beyond the city limit. Ma had pulled an all nighter at work so she was spending the morning in. Those were quite common for her but I was eighteen and could take care of myself.

I drove through the grey painted school gates driving into the parking lot, parking and then exiting my car.

It was quite early so there were only a few persons at school so far. I passed a few of my classmates lounging on the school steps and railing , mumbling good morning to them I walked ahead, not stopping to chat with any one. A few females gave me looks of approval eyeing my perfectly made up attire. Ironed blue jeans and a plaid shirt with matching shoes and my leather jacket. The girls at this school weren't exactly my type, they mostly wanted me for my brains and I haven't met any worth pursuing for more than a good fuck. I wasn't a nerd or anything at least not in the stereotypical sense. I was 6'3'' tall, with icy grey blue eyes. I was fairly in shape with a semi hard stomach area, not that I had a six pack to brag about but I worked out a few mornings a week by the ruling of my mother who was sometimes a health freak.

Having brought home all my books to study over the weekend I went to my locker and replace all of them except my Chemistry and Physics book because I had both subjects today.

Turning right on a small detour I walked to the chemistry lab as I decided to sit and wait on the others while reading over last week notes and rechecking my chemistry work sheet .

Entering the lab I walked down the aisle to the third table as there were about five tables but there were only a few persons doing chemistry so the other two tables remained inhabited.
Taking a seat on a nearby stool I pulled out my chemistry book and was just about to start reading when I heard the Chemistry door winding open and close .

I looked up into startling forest green eyes. Fuck she was beautiful and obviously a new student. Wow. She briefly met my eyes before turning without a word and scrambling from the lab. Who would want to start a new school in the near ending of the first term.

I was currently in Chemistry class and Miss Newman was collecting her assignments when our principal Drake Harris walked in, behind him the new girl from earlier trailed . Her head was down and her gaze constantly flickered to the class before looking back down.
She seemed self conscious and awkward in her too big jacket and jeans. It wasn't even that cold and she was hunkering down in the big jacket like she was freezing.

She had me entranced with her fragile beauty and it was obvious that behind all those clothes laid a very curvy body. Fuck she's perfect and I want her. I don't even know if she had a boyfriend or girlfriend but I'm going to make her mine.

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