Chapter14: Bleeding Heart

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I couldnt contain my restless energy anymore I was walking across the floor but that only notched up my anxiety further. Doubts began to creep in. What ifs too. What if he changed his mind and decided he didn't want to go out with a... No I think vanshing that though grabbing at straws to occupy my mind. Kera and Kiro had gone home as the time wandered closer so I was left to my own thoughts. It was thirty minutes pass six and he still wasn't here. Maybe he forgot and he's rushing here right now. In a minute he is going to be here and he's going to smile that Darrell smile that warms my blood and all will be forgiven before he even has time to apologise.

Having come up with this most logical explanation I decide to stop wearing a hole in my bed room floor and go wait on the stoop out side.

Pulling open the front door I let it slam close. The gentle breeze of the evening blowing away anxious thoughts. Ignoring the stoop I ventured towards my Dad's garden instead since I've never been inside. My Dad and I dont have much in the way of neighbours. There was an house a short distance from ours towards the back but it was delapidated and uninhabited except for no doubt moth and roaches. Vines grew along its outer walls and bushes surrounded it. Though the house seemed abondoned it was well fenced though, a chain link fence surrounded it and a thick lock kept intruders out. It highlighted further the beauty of my Dad's house and garden. The side of the house was decorated with cheerful sunshiny yellow- orange marigold plants, multicoloured roses perfumed the air also, blood red poinsettias that resembled a bleeding heart and purple coneflower with it's showy purple flowers that attracted all manner of butterfly and bees multiplied it's beauty. Along the side of the fence were thick growth of well pruned and trimmed trees forming an edge. The entire side of the house was dedicated to Dad's flowers.Going around to the back there was also a large coup which stunk but it was empty, I didn't know he had a green house though. Thankfully the door was open. I should have changed my shoes first, I thought looking down at how dirty it had become. Oh well. I peeped around the front briefly to see Darrell still hadn't arrived. Kicking off my expensive suede shoes I rolled my pants foot up to keep them from getting any more dirty before placing my shoes to the side. I couldn't bother to go all the way back to the house for slippers but luckily I found a pairs of Dad's though very large they were. I think smiling. Shoving my feet in them I push the door to the green house open and immediately a soothing warmth enveloped me. So many plants, most labelled and arranged in a chaotic beauty. I'd learnt in physics how the green house worked. Light and short-wavelength infrared rays from the sun penetrate the green house and are absorbed by the soil, plants, etc., raising their temperature. These in turn emit infrared radiation, but because of their relatively low temperature, this has long wavelength and is not transmitted by the glass. The green house hence acts as a 'heat trap' and it's temperature rises. There was ginseng, aloe vera, and rosemary. Those I was familiar with as my mom always bought rosemary. Mother use to put rosemary under my pillow as a child for sweet dreams she'd said. It stopped working after a while though. There were alot of plants that I wasn't familiar with like motherwort. A quick Google search showed that it was good for anxiety, headaches and sprains. Some of them I couldn't even pronounce their names. I was beyond curious. Like spilanthe. I pulled out my phone and did a quick google search . It was also known as toothache plant. Seems it was one of the strongest sialogogues, saliva promoters. It said even a tiny nibble from one of it's flower will set your mouth to drool. I was tempted to pop piece but resisted. When I finally emerged from my Dad's green house it was really dark out and I had googled most of the plants name. I had definitely been edified.


Without realizing it warm tears rain down my face especially when I saw Kiro's text asking how it was going/went. Reality set in that I'd been stood up. I've never really been stood up before so I didn't know how to feel but my body seemingly knew as I felt hurt and rejected. I'd even called Darrell a few times and it went to voice mail. I'd even went as far as texting him. I'm so pathetic I think sitting on the step outside the green house in my new pants. There was a light drizzle outside and it added to the beauty of the night. The clouds mirrored how I was feeling right now. Confused on whether to burst open with thick heavy water droplets or hold it in. The light was on inside the house and on the porch so dad was home. He probably thought I was still out with Darrell but it was after eight now going on nine. I'm surprised he isn't ringing my phone he must really trust Darrell but then again most persons seemed to trust and like him. He was practically perfect. All the girls at school were half in love with him and didn't hesitate to give me the stink eye. That's why I hadn't made many in the way of friends. I'd asked Kiro about it and he'd said Darrell was like the golden goose around here and I a stranger had come and captured him so yes the masses were angry.

" Well they can have their golden geese or whatever." I say angrily out loud jumping up as the cold had finally seeped in. I put on my shoes brushing them off walking around to the front of the house wiping away pathetic tears. I steeled myself wondering if I should pretend for Dad or let him know the truth. Well there was no sense in lying I think as I wipe my face clean, shove the front door open walking in my clothes slightly dampened from the light drizzle. My Dad was on the phone and he hadn't seen me enter. He looked confused, then he looked shock. He looked up spotting me and his face clouded with sympathy softening as he spoke lowly into the phone.

I had made sure to wipe my face clean before entering so why could he be looking at me like that.

I looked at him confused as I still stood at the entrance to the living room. He finally placed the phone back into the cradle before giving me a strained smile.

Now I was more than curious. Walking up to him he met me half way pulling me into a supposedly comforting hug. Not that the hug wasn't great but I was as curious as a scientist.

He finally pulled away and I leant back looking up at him.

He smiled strained down at me.

"What is it? Tell me." I demanded heart in my throat as he swallowed nervously and hesitated.


Speculations on that call:)?

Thoughts on the new cover I made?

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