Chapter16: Angel

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I was touched that Mace was abondoning whatever he was doing to come to my aid. I had heard Dads bedroom door close while I was on the phone talking hushed to Mace. Hopefully he'd be asleep by the time Mace arrived. Heading to the bathroom I removed every inch of my ruined makeup.

Going to my closet, I didn't really have any clothes that I thought was appropriate for what I had planned because I was sure breaking into a patients room was surely illegal but what do I know about the law.

I sighed, everything will be fine there is no other alternative. Darrell would be fine and whoever watched over this world surely wouldn't take him from me when we'd surely just met. It occurred to me my lips hadn't even tasted his as yet. No we hadn't even kissed yet. I nearly kick myself thinking about him like that when he was probably fighting for his life.

I banish any negative thoughts before they could take over. I put on a pair of older comfortable stretchy black pants. I replaced my blouse from earlier with a black T-shirt, pulling on a similar sweater too.

Shaking my hair loose I pulled it to the back of my head braiding it before pulling my only cap over my head. It happened to be pink with a hello kitty. I pulled the single braid through the opening of the cap in the back. There that'd keep it out of the way. I then went to my shoes stand taking up my pair of black boots and pulling them on.

I hadn't done any thing like this before adrenalin pumped through my veins and a thrum of anticipation.

There was still about ten minutes until Mace's arrival but I was bouncing with excitement. Nerves and eagerness. Truly I'd never been out past nine and this strangely excited me. I loved the dark and the possibilities it offered. I sneaked from my room, stopping to peek in my Dad's open room. He was fast asleep at an awkward angle. I giggle at his open mouth from which drool dribbled onto his arm. Leaving through the front door I closed it behind me. Flipping up the hood on my sweater I quickly finish the walkway pulling the gate open proceeding to walk a little distance from the house as I didn't want the car waking Dad up or anything. A speeding car, out of place on the otherwise lonely road sped past me no headlights on before it skidded to a stop doing a quick reverse.

The window roll down. "Lucy what the fuck, why are you dressed like your going on a heist?"

I shrug opening the door to enter the car.

"She looks totally badass," says a masculine voice with a thick English accent. Or she would if it wasn't for that girly hello kitty cap of hers," the voice continues as an inside light is flipped on.

I looked towards the voice to see a smirking face that had laugh lines. It was a guy that look to be a few years older than us. There was a mop of brown and black curls on his head spilling from underneath a tam. He looked to be of a middle eastern descent at least.

"What's your name princess?"he asks still in that accent as he reversed and drove back the way he came.

"Lucy,"I say simply looking at Mace who was smirking at his phone a lazy smile on his lips.

"So Lucy how comes your friends with this nincompoop over there?" he said pointing at Mace who ignored him.

I'd ask you the same thing I think I hesitating to answer. I don't know if Mace and I were really friends perse.

"Umm... we go to the same school."

"Oh" he says simply.

"Where are you from?"I blurted out before scolding myself for asking despite my curiosity.

He smirked at me in the mirror. Seems he does that alot."isn't that the great mystery?" He says before tapping on the steering wheel. His skin was a deep bronze.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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