Chapter15: Lemon Grass Decisions

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Accident, Darrell were the only words that registered before I started panicking. My chest felt too tight and I was struggling for air. That wasn't possible. He was just here and quite fine the night before.

We were supposed to go on our first official date where we would eat and laugh and make stupid jokes and he'd find excuses to put his arm around me or touch me.

Without my permission once again lachrymose, tears fell in thick heavy droplets. I pulled away from my father's comforting hug briefly looking up at his face into his soft green eyes that looked so much like mine in colour, they didn't show pity or think I was stupid for behaving like this only sympathy.

Sitting me on the sofa. My Dad patted my hair while he went to the kitchen to get me something to drink. He must have realised I wasn't comfortable crying around others and wanted to give me a moment to put myself together. Using my cashmere sweater as an impromptu handkerchief I wiped my tears though they kept coming. How I hated tears and crying. Wiping my nose in it I welcomed the cool glass of water my father presented. Taking it from him I drank it all off and it calmed me somewhat that the tears slowed then ceased. Looking at my Dad I see that he looked a little more comfortable now that I'd stopped crying, the sympathy was still there though.

Touching his shoulder briefly I gave him a watery smile to show him I'm fine.

"What happened to him? I ask half wanting to hear and half dreading his answer.

My dad scratched his head briefly. "Umm I wasn't told, his mother just said he kept mumbling your name and asking for you while he was being transferred to the hospital so his mother gave me a call after finding out you were  my daughter. She seem dazed and didn't offer much."

"Oh," I say.

" And he's at the local hospital, so he's getting the best care for miles" he says before continuing.

"Even if you go there, you still wouldn't be able to see him if your not immediate family and visiting hours by my guess is long gone. Also who knows how serious it is, if they're accepting visitors,"dad says as an after though before clamping his mouth shut when he saw my expression become teary once more.

He groaned "I'm sorry Luce honey, I'm messing this up I'm sure the boy will be fine. Besides nothing serious ever happens around here. Most likely he just bumped his car into a stray animal or something."

I forced a smile for my Dad he was obviously worried about me.

"Yeah I bet your right," I say with a bright smile that seemed tear at my face. Dad didn't seem to believe as he did a double take.

"Hold on a moment," he says getting up once more heading to the kitchen. He returned with a tea cup in his hand.

"Here, he says passing it to me. Drink this,it'll help you calm down."

I accepted it gratefully mumbling my thanks taking a small sip. It was very sweet with a citrusy lemony taste.

"What is it?" I asked my father curiously after taking a larger sip this time.

He grinned for a moment and I gave him a small smile. "It's lemon grass tea, sweetened with honey it's very calming." he says with a small smile.

I nodded finishing the cup hastily.  After I finished I felt much better but thoughts of Darrell still permeated my mind. Dad took the cup from me when I was finished and took up the glass from earlier.

"If you dont mind I'm going to head to my room. " I say forcing a yawn when he gets up to head for the kitchen. Sleep was the last thing on my mind.

"Okay honey, and I promise I'll take you to see him first thing tomorrow before school."

"Oh school." I never found so much distaste in such a word.

"Okay fine Dad,"I say heading to my room ,"good night"I say giving him a weak wave.


Shoving my room door open guilt assuaged me. While I was here thinking the worst of him he probably had been somewhere bleeding out. I didn't even have his mothers number I had to see him tonight else I'd never sleep.

No one to call. I felt helpless. I've never felt so alone. I needed someone to share my guilt with and accompany me along with the plan that just formed in my mind. There was only two persons I knew crazy enough to agree to it.

Kera's number went to voicemail. So too did Kiro's. I fling my phone on the bed frustrated by my helplessness as there was no way to get to Darrell without help. I didn't know where the hospital was and even though I could probably  find it in the day it was late night now and my Dad would  surely hear me "borrowing"  his car without permission of course. For all I  know though he has the key hidden in his room to prevent any reckless decision making from me.

Taking back up the phone I scroll through my meagre contact list.
again. There was exactly six numbers in this list. Darrell, Kiro, Kera, Dad's, Mrs. Grey and a number I had never used which had ended up programmed in my phone once when Kiro used my phone to call him, Mace. No, he was probably busy doing whatever he did. But he was the perfect candidate. He seems like the type that went to bed at ungodly hours with his no care bad boy persona so I wouldn't be disturbing his sleep, hopefully. He was my only hope as Kiro and Kera went to voicemail again and some how I don't suppose Mrs.Grey despite the normal courier for information she is would care to get up out her bed at I look at the time, nearly ten to call up up anyone asking about some boy she doesn't even know. She might like me but I don't think that much.

Without putting further hought into it I dailed Mace's number all the while Darrell's  grey blue eyes fogging my thoughts. He answered on the third ring.

"Somehow I don't think a princess such as your self is calling me for a late night hook up so something is wrong," Mace says with a husky voice as he coughed out something. Luckily he didn't sound intoxicated. There was alot of noise where he was. Probably at a party God knows where.

"I need your help.I say skipping past pleasantries. I need to get to the hospital." I finish bluntly.

There was silence. "Why, is it life threatening?"

"No, it's Darrell something is wrong with him. Look can you get to my house. I assume you know where it is." I say beseechingly desperation coating my voice.

"Is Darrell at your house?"

"No, at the hospital."

"So it's not life threatening as Darrell is not at your house bleeding out, so goodnight princess."he says blowing  out puffs of whatever he was smoking.

"Please I pleaded, please, I'd owe you." I begged as a tremor shake my voice.

"Is that so?" He ask probably sensing my desperation.

"Yes whatever you want." I'd make a deal with the devil if it meant seeing Darrel tonight.

"How big a favour?" Mace ask his  voice sounding more interested now.

"Depends on how fast you get here." I say.

" You know I've never been the damsel in distress type."he says.

A beeping sound notified me that he had hung up. Just as the tears began to fall again. My phone dinged with a text. Be there in 20... at a party outside of Rosedale.


It's late but I can't seem to fall asleep so I thought why not update

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