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I could feel Cara's soft lips on mine. Her gracefully thin arms snaked around my neck, pulling me closer. She bit my lower lip, demanding entry. I moaned as I opened my mouth, her tongue hurriedly swirled inside. I couldn't describe what the insides of her mouth tastes or feels like but I was sure I liked it. Her breathing was ragged and so was mine. She released a tiny moan as I pushed her against the wall. My hands were on her waist, crawling underneath her shirt, caressing every single trace of skin I could find.

Cara's tongue eagerly fought for domination and sometimes our teeth would clench against each other. My hand slowly slipped upward, just below her breast line and I could feel the base of her breast. She wasn't wearing any brassiere.

"Sam," I heard her moan. It didn't last long until we broke apart to catch our breath, our foreheads pressed against each other. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw Rooney before me staring back.

I woke up with a start in my apartment. What is that noise? I had difficulty searching for the source of said noise since I was still half asleep.

I felt like I had a very weird dream but I couldn't remember what it was. I just felt it was both a good and a bad one. Fun fact: One can only remember his/her dream if he/she dreamed about it five minutes ago. Anything earlier than that would be long forgotten.

Then I realized the noise was coming from my phone, quivering on the bedside table. The screen flashed Gary. I sighed and leaned forward, reaching for my phone, to accept the call.

"Hello?" I mumbled, squinting my eyes to see the time displayed on my wallclock. 1:34 in the afternoon.

"Sam?" Gary asked giddily from the other line. "Thank God, you're awake."

I sat upright and rubbed my eyes, letting out a long yawn. "I am now."

"Look, Martin told me that the other band backed out the very last minute. So he said we can have the stage tonight," Gary's cherry voice echoing through the speakers.

Martin. Who's Martin again? Then it dawned on me. Martin owns this bar downtown that pays local bands to play on their stage.

The news woke me up mentally and physically. I quickly bolted upright and paced around my bedroom. "No way! Really?!"

I heard Gary chuckling from the other line. "Yes, really! I fell from my bed when I found out.... So, are you in or out?"

I forgot to mention that I am also in a band. I am the only girl in it - the one who sings and plays the piano. We often have gigs from time to time and sometimes we just get tired. We have fans, the Instagram page created by Gary had proved that, but they weren't more than twenty, including Elizabeth. 

I guess there's always a time in the life of a writer, be it a novelist or screenwriter, that he/she has written a song. And I write songs that I can relate myself to. Plus, it's a good side racket.

"Of course, I'm in, silly," I replied, taking the towel off the rack as I headed toward the shower.

"That's good to hear," he uttered, his voice sounding relieved. "Cause you see, Charlie couldn't go tonight. So it's just you and me and Eric."

Oh no. Charlie was our lead guitarist. We can't perform a show without a guitar. You just can't. It's like writing in air. No one can read that.

"Hey, don't worry," Gary continued, already knowing my reaction. "I found someone who can play the piano. And since you wrote most of our songs, I think it's only fair that you get the guitar."

"But..," I stuttered. It's easier said than done.

There was honking of cars on the other side of the line. I could tell Gary was walking in the streets, probably having a late breakfast.

"Got to go, Sam, bye!" he quickly said, hanging up.

"Gary!" I yelled. But the line already went dead.

I looked incredulously at my phone. I guess I had no choice but to play the guitar. It's not going to be that bad, I said to myself. Although, I admit I was already rusty.

I quickly went into the bathroom to take a shower. And as I was about to take off my shirt, which still smelled of stale vodka and beer, memories from the early hours of the morning quickly flashed through my mind.

A smile slowly drew on my face. I couldn't believe I actually enjoyed beating Cara over Beer Pong. At least now, I was no longer intimidated. Well, maybe a bit.

I couldn't believe that only yesterday, I was sipping my cup of coffee in a shop alone and then there I was after midnight, playing beer pong with those famous people. And spending an inordinately enough amount of time with Cara. If Charlie wasn't there, Kylie wouldn't have invited us. Fate or coincidence?

Although, I was a bit guilty that I made Cara drunk by winning over the game. I tried to convince myself that the reason I was guilty was more for her benefit rather than regretting it made her fall asleep half the time. After the game and the nonchalant chatters we made, Cara and I literally hadn't talked a single bit, even just to bid goodbye.

I wonder if what happened earlier this day would just be a random activity we did that we'd only reminisce one day. We'll probably never see each other again -- Cara and I. And I was not sure how to feel about it.

I SEE YOU NOW (A Cara Delevingne Fanfic) GxGWhere stories live. Discover now