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"I think we should stop seeing each other."

Cara's voice echoed right through me. The words released from her mouth were like a thousand knives stabbing me at the same time. Her angelic but sullen voice kept on ringing on the back of my head. I was hurt. But I was more confused than hurt.

I waited for Cara to say that she was just joking. But the longer I wait, the darker the atmosphere around us felt. She wasn't even looking at me. She licked her lips but no words came out.

"What?" I asked, with my lips almost curved into a smile, expecting that Cara would laugh any second now.

Then Cara repeated the phrase with the desired effect more intense than the first time she said it, "I think we should stop seeing each other."

I stopped smiling. I frowned, not knowing what to do. I shook my head as I asked again, "Is this some sort of joke, Car?"

But Cara wasn't laughing or even smirking like her usual self. She looked deadly serious as she went on, her words kept on cutting me like knives do, "We should break up... This... This relationship we have... it's not working anymore."

What? Why is she saying this? Was this because I was away in New York? And now she's giving up?

"You can't be serious," I answered. I can handle this. I can make Cara change her mind. But what if, what if she's just like Rooney? What if she won't fight back?

Cara sighed heavily as she went on, "I am."

Then she looked at me in the eyes and I could see a different Cara I have never seen before. She was really serious.

"Why? We... It's... You're joking, right?" I stuttered.

Cara just shook her head as she turned her head to look away. I held her hand as I went on, "You have five seconds to say this is just a joke or..."

But five seconds turned into a minute. We didn't say any word.

I glared at Cara as I asked, "Why?"

Then she stared at me as she answered, "I was wrong about this relationship.... I... I don't see it move any forward. I'm sorry."

"And you just end it like that?"

Cara avoided my glare. I think my eyes were a bit watery now. Then I went on, "Don't you think I don't have a say to this?"

I could see Cara swallow a lump in her throat. And it made me more angry.

"You still love me, right?" I asked.

Cara shook her head slowly, afraid that her actions might hurt me when she already had.

"You're lying," I spat back.

Cara then looked at me as she shook her head no, her eyes hurting too but she seemed calm.

I smirked, with a tear strolling down my cheeks, "You're always a bad liar."

Then Cara took her hand away from my grasp as she began to stand up.

"Where are you going?" I exclaimed. "We're not finished talking yet."

But Cara hurriedly walked toward her bedroom. I followed her but I was too late. I could hear the door click locked.

I couldn't believe what just happened. What is she doing to me? Is she only playing with me?

I knocked at her door. "Is this because of my trip to New York?"

I didn't get any response.

"Look, Car... I can explain...," I said deliberately. "Just give me time..."

I SEE YOU NOW (A Cara Delevingne Fanfic) GxGWhere stories live. Discover now