Not a Poem

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Hey! what's up you guys? I hope you all are doing well!

Today I'm not going to share a poem. Instead, I would like to share my day with you.

So here it goes..

Today was my day off at work. So I only had to go to uni. Although I didn't really want to go, I felt like it. So I went but had planned to do nothing the rest of the day.

But as soon as I finished my classes, one of my friends from another city called and said she was here and so I went to meet her. Where we met, we also stumbled upon one of our friends I haven't seen in a while. And we got to sit together again. Also there, one of my friends saw her professor whom I finally got to meet ( she had told me a lot about him) and he happened to be a very nice person.

Then I went home and kinda argued with my mum. I had two choices. Either lock myself up in my room and feel shitty all day, or go out for a walk. I haven't went since like forever and I really felt like it. And so I did.

I passed by Starbucks, where two of my friends work. So I went in to say hi and by the way grabbed a coffee. On my way out, I saw even another one of my old friends whom I haven't seen since forever and we got to chat a bit.

I was on the sidewalk and my cousin called me and told me to meet her at our friend's place and so I went. We were 4 and we got to sit together and talk and laugh and we even danced for no damn reason.

And now I am home and I feel great about today.

The point is, whenever you feel like doing something, anything, just do it. Do not hesitate. Just do whatever you want to do when you want to do it. Because you only live once and second chances rarely happen. Never let anything stop you!

If I did what I had planned for, which was staying in bed all day and doing nothing, I would have missed a lot! Right?

Thank you guys for reading. I love you all and Goodnight ❤

Cassandra Where stories live. Discover now