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Let's talk about rape
But; when I say rape
It doesn't have to be physical
That's sexual harassment
I'm talking about rape
At the level of soul
Like; have your soul ever been raped before?
You are going to deny it
You will try to hide that
You have lost your soul's virginity
You will try to act like you are very strong
No one can break you
But you are, my dear:
As fragile as a hymen
Prone to be broken
Not necessarily by practicing sex
No. Bullshit.
But the reason you are afraid to tell
Is maybe
Because that will tell them you are weak
You let someone rape you
Rape of feelings is what I'm talking about
I know, my dear, your heart had been raped
I know you were bleeding tears
I know it hurt
I know that rape can be spiritual
I know someone raped the trust out of you
And you can no longer trust anyone
I know it still stings
I know you want to open up to someone
But your head always reminds you
Your rapist had been once so nice
So you go back to your comfort zone
To the safe side
You close all the doors
Because rape can not be heeled
Rape hurts for life.

August 5, 2017

Cassandra Where stories live. Discover now