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I am standing right before your eyes
Head held down and I'm biting my tongue
As you get to scream at me
Telling me I cannot be strong

Is that what you want?

Oh please, just snap out of your dream
And before you tell me I'm a disgrace
Remember who gave you your life
A woman just like I am
Was the maker of your race

Don't try when I'm walking around
To lead me the way you want
Don't tell me what I do is wrong
Before you even do that
You better watch the way you behave
I am not your little puppet
I refuse to be a slave

So when you see me feeling down
Don't try to point out I am not being as productive
Well, I am not sorry I have a uterus
It might just be that time of the month

It is none of your business
Whether I wear no make up
Or I wear too much
Either way it is not for you
Whether I look too good
Or not good enough

You don't get to decide who I am
And I don't care whether you like me or you do not
Just take care of yourself
And things will be alright

You tell me I frown too often
And that I am close minded
But when I smile all the time
You tell me I'm just a loose girl?

You cannot defend yourself being a pervert
And blame it on my dress
It is in no way my fault
The fault is within your head

Don't come show off your muscles in front of me
That is not what makes you a man
Show me your respect
And accept who I am

Don't try to change me
And tell me it's for my own sake
Mind your own sickness
And correct your own mistakes

You can't have your control over me
I was born to be free

I refuse in any way
To belong to anybody but myself
Whether I was 40
Or I was 12.

June 7, 2017

Cassandra जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें