My Happy

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I write on the dark days
Cuz maybe it is true what they say
Pain makes art
But some ask me why I don't write about happiness
I will tell you about my happy..

My Happy is a shore
And ocean is depression
I am a huge wave
So I break every time
Just moments before I hit the shore
And ocean drags me back into its depths

My happy is a high fever
And I am a medicine
But just before I touch the fever
It breaks
And I become worthless again
And I lie still for days on a shelf

My happy is a little girl
Coming back from schoool the first day
Excited to tell mom how it went
But mom cuts her off because she has other things to do
Or just because..
Mom doesn't care

My happy is a bunch of swords
That shine beautifully
But I shall never get close
For I still have scars
From the last time I tried to do

My happy is not a decision
My happy is not a choice
My happy is a wicked witch
Faking a smile
And acting nice
My happy is nothing but lies
My happy is my depression
Dressed well in a beautiful gown
My happy is a serial killer in disguise.

July 3rd 2017

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