I'm Doing Great

82 10 5

Like an oar's imprint upon the ocean
Your love for me has faded

Like lightening followed by thunder
Your absence, my existence it invaded

For a split second in time
I though I had possessed you

Then flames climed up to my head
Marking the thought "untrue".

Into ashes then we turned
As grey as this gloomy sky

That's when I came to know
There's no more "you and I"

Time was standing still
Paralysed, like my stained heart

That I thought it was the end
Yet, I never knew it was just the start.

Although it took some time
My soul learned to recover

I even wonder some times
How I've loved you, ever

And I should be thankful
For what I had to wake up to

What if I had stayed a dupe to illusions?
Just a day dreamer with no clue.

Hell knows I'm doing great
Regrets and pain are melting,

Things are falling in their places
And my heart is mending.

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