Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to One Direction

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Ah, Jacksonville, Florida. I scrunched my eyes, and saw the rays of light passing through my blinds. Oh well, I guess another sunny day. Today is my second day here in Florida. My family and I are staying at my aunt's place for a month, and damn I'm loving every moment of it . It's summer, and I just recently graduated from high school, and I'm only sixteen!! Thank god for skipping seventh grade.

I got up of my bed and stared at my mirror on top of the drawer. This is as good as its gonna get. I really look like a mess, my black hair is still standing up looking all frizzy, oh god. I grabbed the brush and tamed my hair, and put it up in a messy bun. Messy bun, plus guns n' roses shirt, plus pink PJs, yup, I'm all set.

"Elle, breakfast time!!" mom shouted from the kitchen. Oh good I hope she made French toast. I skipped down stairs and almost tripped because of my brother's lego scattered on the staircase.

"Andy clean up your toys or I'll flush them down the toilet." This always works. And in less than a minute my seven year old brother gathered all of his legos and stuck out his tongue to me. I did the same.

"Morning mom" I kissed her on the cheeks and she handed me some, yup, French toast. I knew this would be a good day. "What are we going to do today?" I mumbled while eating this French toast from the god of French toasts.

"Just staying in." Okay, I guess this day wasn't going to be that good.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "It's such a good weather, and we already "STAYED IN" yesterday??"

"But your aunt has a meeting today and she can't tour us around."

"What about Uncle Roy?" Aunt Tracy's husband. Really funny guy.

"He has a meeting too honey. I'm so sorry, we still have the whole month?" Ugh she just doesn't get it.

"Whatever, I'll just go out by myself." I said while munching in my last piece of toast. There is just something about this day, you know? That makes me want to go outside, go places.

"You don't even know this place!!" my mom exclaimed!!

"I'll bring a map, and I'll save the address!" Oh please let her say yes..

"I'll give you money, and a map. And yes, save the address and also take a picture of the place. Come back before sun down or else you will really STAY IN."

OHH YEAAAH!!! "Thank you mom!! Thank you thank you!!!!!" I said while kissing her on the cheeks once more.

Just then my brother came in the kitchen "Ewwwwwww."

"Get lost, loser!" I shouted back. Don't get me wrong, I really love my brother.

I took a glass of juice, and I raced back up my room. I took a nice warm shower, and picked out my clothes for today. [] I really don't like wearing shorts or anything, and I'm not really ... fashion forward? I just grab some clothes and go! Although I really love these combat boots! I look at the mirror, and tied my hair into a messy bun. I really don't care about what I look, and if it makes me feel comfy, then I'd go for it. {} I don't really put make up on, I mean, who would I do that for? I grabbed my bag, and went out the door.

While walking I've come across some street bazaars and vendors and bought a few trinkets and dream catchers. I also bought an old Polaroid camera in mint-condish!! Only for 2 dollars, this is fabulous. After an hour I've reached the community park, and sat down on the grass. So peaceful in here, I could stay here forever. All I could hear was birds chirping and .... HOLY CRAP WHAT WAS THAT

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH, OHGODDDDDDDD MARRY MEEEE COME HERE WOOOOOOOOO" was all that I could hear. I stood up and spun around and saw tons of girls racing towards the entrance of the park. What the hell was happening? Is this like a Florida ritual?? I could hear their voices getting louder and their foot steps are thumping louder on the concrete pavement. I mean really. I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed my bag and walked briskly away from where they are heading. That lead me to the side gate of the park. Okay, thank god for this big park or else I would have been mobbed my crazy people.


I spoke to soon. Right in front of me were five guys, running towards me. And it all happened so fast, they split directions until it was only one guy running towards me. Oh and like a hundred girls behind him. I was running too, away from them. What the hell was happening? Is this guy a thief? Before I could make another step, I got pushed down the grass. Along came down with me the one who pushed me. Damn that hurts. I turn around and saw the guy hurriedly get up again. I thought he was going to run, but he extend his arm to me. And being the awkward clue less me, I just look at it. The girls were getting nearer, and I was still looking at his arm. He then quickly took hold of my waist and brought me up from the ground. This is the first time I could clearly see his face. He's got brown curly hair that swept to one side, I guess, but now looking so messy with grass bits. He's got green eyes, and a cute nose. Oh god cute?? Where did that come from.

"I'm sorry!" he quickly said, and gave me a smile. Then I just kind of look at him for three seconds before I replied, "What the hell?" And he turned right and saw the girls getting nearer at us.

"Crap, I've got to go!! " He then quickly ran to the left exiting the nearest gate out and suddenly met up with the other four guys, and they ran like there's no tomorrow. Weird much? I picked up my bag, and when I looked at their direction, I could have sworn he turned back and looked at me.

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