Chapter 18

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AN: Thank you for the wonderful comments last chapter!! I'm really glad you liked it. I hope you'll like this one. Some of you have been waiting for this gaaaah!!! xx

PS: Still using my phone to write this one sorry for the typos.

I was waiting for the boys outside the parking lot. I saw the back doors flung open and Harry stepping out with the other boys behind him. I quickly ran to him and he must have saw me because his arms were wide open. My body collided with him, and he picked me up and spun me while hugging. I can't help but giggle on how funny we must have looked.

"I'm lucky too." I whispered in his ear as he was starting to put me down. When my feet were finally planted on the ground I saw him give me the biggest smile ever before saying. "Yeah, but I'm still luckier."

I couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek.

"Get a room!!" Louis shouted from behind. I stuck my tongue out to him.

Zayn made a face then said, " I swear I was holding my vomit in through out the whole interview. Harry and Elle blaaarch."

Harry put Zayn in a head lock and Zayn whimpered. "You're just jealous." Harry said.

We were making our way to the car when a three men in black went to us and flashed cameras on out faces. I was caught offguard.

"Harry.." I started to say trying to cover my face. He quickly held my hand and said, "It's gonna be okay." We all walked faster. I knew that this would happen. If I want to remain with the boys, I have to deal with the fallbacks. One for example is the paparazzi.

"Whew my eyes are going blind." I said after entering the van. I never knew the camera flash would be that harsh.

"I'm so sorry Elle, I know you didn't want this to happen but I.." Harry started to say looking real concerned.

I patted his hands and said, "Don't worry Harry. It's all good." Reassuring him with a smile. He still looks worried and I saw him shot a glance at Liam who also looked worried.

Louis bumped me in the hip and said, "Don't worry hubby, your face would look great on the front cover of Pop Magazine." 

I laughed and said, "Oh Lou. You really know how to make me feel better."

He put on a proud smile and said, "Well, you know me." He winked.

The van got all quiet. I looked at Harry and saw that he looked serious and silent. I poked him in the arm and asked, "You okay?"

He faced me, and I saw him try to force a smile and say, "Yep all good."

The other boys were already sleeping. But Harry was just looking outside the window the whole car ride. Something is really up. But I didn't want to push it. So instead, I took his hand and intertwined it with mine. He faced me, and gave me a real smile this time.

"Tell me later?" I said. He looked back down at our laced hands and said, "Mhm, okay. For now, why don't you sleep."

I looked out the window and saw that this wasn't the way to the LA house. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He grinned.

"Oh come on tell me!!" I said givinghim a puppy dog face.

He chuckled then kissed my forhead before saying, "Don't you know the meaning of surprise?"


The car stopped and we all got out one by one. We stopped at a house that looks like a log cabin, but a bit bigger than usual. It was a little further down a forest. Right behind it was a huge lake and across you can see houses like this and lots of trees. At the back of the house are logs surrounding a fire pit for bonfires.

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