Chapter 11

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AN: I'll never get tired of thanking all of you who are this story!! Just a random GIF of the boys on the side, X Factor days. Say hi to them! Oh, and could someone make me a cover picture for this story? Please? xx A 

I stepped inside my dressing room and changed into my old clothes. I flattened out the the bottom part of the dress that Harry gave me. After fixing my hair, I searched for my bag. The door opened, then in came Becky, the assistant that has been dragging me around all day.

"Great job, Elle. We knew we had it in you. And may I say, I think you're better than the models that we have casted." she was so joking, I am nothing compared to those professionals. "You're joking, right Becky?" I huffed. She just nodded her head. "And what makes you think that?" I retorted. "You're a breath of fresh air. For everyone, you know?"

Wow, I have been receiving tons of compliments lately, and still have no clue on how to respond to them. I just settled with my most sincere thank you. Becky then held out some shopping bags behind her and was dangling them infront of me. "What's this?" I ask. "Well, since you didn't want to get paid, atleast take the clothes that you used earlier. We can't thank you enough!" The clothes earlier were amazing, and surely expensive. "Becky, I couldn't accept these, I told you I could do it for free.." She just nodded and said, "No. Gavin and I won't take no for an answer." She ended with a smile. "Thank you again, Becky." I said.

Before leaving the room she stopped and said, "So, is there anything going on with you and Mr. Styles?" Woah, where did that come from?  "Um, what makes you say that?" I ask. She turned and faced the door before saying, "I am no scientist, but I know when two people have chemistry." 

That made me giggle a bit, smart comment there Becky. Really? Was it that obvious? A part of me wants to believe her, but a part of me refuses to keep my hopes up. Harry is way out of my leauge. He could date someone in the same level as he is. Sure there are times where in he can be a total flirt. There are times were he is incredibly sweet. But what if all of that is just pure friendship? And him liking me? He hasn't even told me that.

 I stare at the clock and saw that I only have an hour left before I have to meet up with my aunt. Does that mean that I'll never see them again? I guess my dream has to be cut short. 

I got my phone out and saw that I had a text from Aunt Tracy.

Something came up again sweety. So sorry, will meet you around ten pm. Go ahead and have dinner with out me! x Aunt Tracy

I shook my head disapprovingly, she's such a workaholic. She needs to go out sometime. But I guess that would buy me more time for the guys. More time with Harry. 

As I stepped out of my dressing room, I saw that the boys were ready to go. "Great job Elle." Liam said then hugged me. "Hey I want a hug too!" Louis added. "Group hug!!" Zayn shouted. And before I knew it, I was in the middle of a man group hug. "Can't .. breathe.." I tried to sound out. "Okay guys, enough." said a voice. He took my arm and pulled me out of the suffocating hug. "My hero." I said then winked. Woah, since when did I get flirty. Harry started to speak, "Hey, so maybe after this you want to umm ha--" 

"Let's go guys!!" Liam interrupted. "Where to this time?" I asked. "Dinner of course." Niall answered. When it comes to food, Niall is first in line. We all made our way to the car, then I remembered Harry saying something earlier. "Harry, what were you trying to say earlier?" I asked. He bit his lip, trying to second guess, I think. He just said, "Oh that was nothing." I wasn't buying it. "Are you sure?" I asked again. "Yeah, positive." And he gave me a convincing smile. 

We were sitting again next to each other in the car, and sharing the earphones of his ipod. My hand was resting on the car seat, tapping away out of boredom. The song Chasing Cars was playing, and this was one of my favorite songs ever. I promised my self that this would be the song I would want to dance to with my husband on my wedding. I started humming the tune, and I felt Harry's gaze shifted to me. I didn't mind, and just kept my face straight forward. I closed my eyes and let my soul get into the song. "If I lay here, If I just lay here.

Then I felt my hands being touched by another. My eyes were still closed. I can feel fingers brushing lightly on my hands, they were so warm. Then those fingers, slowly laced into mine. My heart started to beat faster, as I slowly opened my eyes. I slowly looked on my hands, and could see that those were Harry's hands intertwined with mine. Then, my eyes shifted on his face, but he wasn't looking at me. His head was leaning on the car's window, eyes closed, with a smile on his face. I thought he was sleeping, but his thumb was circling mine. 

I don't know what to make out of this situation. I am not trying to interpret this as anything . My mind was just focused on this moment, and I wasn't thinking of anything else. All I know is that this moment, is perfect. And I am perfectly happy with him. 

Chapter 12 Teaser:

"By the way, we are having dinner with our new publisist." Harry said. He opened the door for me as we entered the fancy restaurant. "Wait, you didn't tell me that. What if I'm not invited?" Well, clearly I am not. "Don't worry. I got your back." Then he placed his hand on my back. "Literally, I got your back." he said then chuckled. I just rolled my eyes then sarcastically said, "Wow Styles, so funny." 

"I really don't like it here, full of old people." Louis whispered to me. "Don't be so rude, Lou." Then I looked around, he was right. "See what I mean?"

The waiter led us to a private booth at the far end of the restaurant. From a far, I could see that a lady was sitting on the table with empty chairs. All the boys went ahead of me, except Harry who never left my side. As we came nearer the table, I the face of the lady became clearer to me. My eyes opened wide, and so did my mouth. I must have looked stupid. 

"Elle? Elle!! Oh my how did you know I was here? Wait, you know these guys?" the lady said jumping from her seat with a ecstatic look on her face.  "You know her?" Harry asked with a confused look on his face. The other boys also had a confused expression plastered on their faces. 

I cleared my throat before saying, "Boys, meet Tracy Delevigne, my Aunt." 

AN: Sorry if this chapter is short! The next one would be worth the wait!! x A

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