Chapter 6

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I flopped down the couch and stretched my legs. They just looked at me like I'm sort of weirdo.


Harry raised his brow, "Come again?"

Pssh these guys are slow.I said, sing for me. S-I-N-G"

Zayn eyed me, "But why?"

"Well, you are a boy band right? And I haven't heard you sing. I want to see if you're good." I said while crossing my arms. Look at whose the boss.

Louis stood up, "Well you hear my lady!!" Oh Louis "Niall, grab the guitar. We're gonna blow her mind."

"Ooh I can't wait."

They all sat down on the opposite couch. Harry being in the middle of Zayn and Liam. Louis sat down beside me and whispered, "Get ready to be mind blown." My eyes gazed to Harry, and I could see him watching Louis intently, whose body is leaning to me. His eyebrows are crumpled to each other. Is that jealousy I see?

A big plump sound was made on the other side of the couch I was sitting on. It was Niall and he was adjusting the guitar.

"So Elle, what do you want to hear?"

"Well, I don't know any of your songs."

Zayn whispered kind of loudly to Harry, "I swear she lives under a rock!"

I grunted, "I heard that. And for your information, I am just not interested with boy band music, okay?"

"Do you at least have a telly?" Zayn is getting to my nerves.

"Yes and actually I --"

"SSSSH" Louis interrupted. "Okay guys, lets sing Torn."

"Torn? Is that one of your songs?" I asked curiosly.

"Actually no." It was Harry who answered. He moved a piece of his curly hair that was blocking his eyes.

"You need to get a hair cut." I said.

He looked up at the piece of hair that was so stubborn and went back to cover his eyes.

"See what I mean."

He laughed, "Yeah, I guess I should." I swear the way he looks at me makes me want to melt. 

"Ehem. Are you two done flirting?" Louis asked looking at the ceiling.

"Oh shut up." I said while blushing. I quickly looked down. I tried to catch a glance at Harry and he was also looking down and blushing.

I quickly recovered by saying, "So, Torn. Then, why are you going to sing this song?"

Liam looked at the guys, and all of them had this, reminiscing-good-times face. "It was our first group song performance." Oh, that's why. 

Niall started to strum the guitar. A familiar tune. Oh! Torn by Natalie Imbruglia! I like this song. But isn't this for a guy. But then, Liam's voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"I thought I saw a girl brought back to life. She was warm, she came around, she was dignified. She showed me what it was to cry." Liam sang as he closed his eyes. DAMN SON THIS GUY WAS GOOD. Yep, definitely belongs to a boy band. His voice was deep, but so serene.

"Oooh ooh oh. Oooh ooh oh." Louis, Zayn and Niall sang. Even if it was all Oooh's their voices were amazing. And they really blend well. 

"Well you couldn't be the girl that I adored. You don't seem to know, seem to care what your heart is for. But I don't know her anymore." Liam sung again. Oh god Liam, your voice is amazing. And when you kind of look at Liam for a long time, he really seems handsome like in cute pup--

"There's nothing left, I used to cry. Conversation has run dry. That's whats going on..." I could die any moment. "Nothing's fine I'm torn." Harry belted. Harry Styles. That voice, it sounds so, perfect? I know it may sound cheesy, but it is perfect, well to me. And his face goes along with it. I couldn't stop looking at him. His eyes were still closed after belting that last part. When he gently opened it, he saw me staring at him. I didn't remove my gaze. This guy who bumped into me, this guy who locked me in this hotel room, this guy who sang so beautifully, this guy who can make my heart beat faster than normal, is perfect. He was still looking at me, and believe it or not, I felt like the music in the room disappeared. And I started imagining scenarios of me and him being together, having dates, and OH GOD NO STOP IT ELLE. 

I heard voices again, and the guys singing the chorus. But I was not focusing on that anymore. I focused on the fact that Harry could be a prince charming, and I am a toad. Not even a frog, a toad. So all those scenarios would just be in Elle's pack of daydreams. I sighed, a little to loudly I think. Because it got Harry's attention.

"You okay, Elle?" he asked.

"Huh? Oh, sorry I zoned out."

Louis interrupted, "Told you it would blow your mind."

I just gave a fake laugh. 

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