Having a lot of choices sucks

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Sometimes, we find ourselves stuck in a changing room, deciding what clothes are appropriate to use in going to a certain event. Or make a decision in front of a cashier at a fast-food restaurant. There are a lot of delicious foods on a menu and we cannot decide well which of them are worth it. Consequently causing long queues and frustrate people behind us. It was indeed exhausting to think which one is better so that we won't regret it in the future.

A decision is sometimes a grueling task because the brain cells we called neurons are not good at differentiating between small and big decisions. It burns more energy to make a choice. Plus, stress, fatigue, and emotions can affect your prefrontal cortex and striatum, responsible for a decision-making process. Every time we decide, we get anxious that might deplete our brainpower, and take shortcuts, leaving other choices untold or unread. However, when it comes to big decisions, sometimes it gives an analysis paralysis where we are mentally paralyzed and tend to avoid exhausting over-analysis.

So in the end, better do the Eeny-Meeny-miny-moe method. It works for me so it will surely work for you too.

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