Placebo Effect: a way to Mend a Broken Heart

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Most of us experienced hardship in moving on from a failed relationship. It gave us depressed thoughts and draining emotions which might destroy our sense of self. Time may heal the broken heart, but sometimes we want a quick recovery. So we reach for medication or alcohol to stop the unbearable pain and forget that person who completely shattered our fragile heart. But there is another way to cure a broken heart. According to the suggestions of researchers, if we believe that something we are doing can help us get over our ex we can influence our brain regions associated with emotional regulation to lessen the perception of pain. In simple terms, we can mend our broken hearts through a placebo effect.

Placebo anyway is a prescribed medicine or procedure, which contains no active ingredient that can affect the patient physiologically but can give psychological benefits that can powerfully heal the patient from an illness. Like the sugar pill given to someone, it can be as effective as the real medicine given to a patient. The mind is powerful enough to turn the sugar pill or any seemingly helpful procedure into a panacea to our body. Indeed, many studies had shown the effectiveness of a placebo in alleviating pain, Parkinson's disease, and other physical ailments.

Anyway, having positive expectations influence the activity of the prefrontal cortex, a brain region where it involves decision-making, personality expression, and complex cognitive behaviors which in turn affect the systems in the midbrain to release dopamine, a feel-good hormone, and painkilling brain chemicals. Thus, doing something that you think can help you eases the pain, making you feel better. So go hiking, paint, play computer games or hang out with your friends just make sure you do not intend to commit suicide if you reach the top of the mountain, or paint your ex's face, or the games you play are the games you and your ex played before, or hang out with the friends of your ex. Find better adhesive to glue the broken pieces of your heart back as a whole again. 

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