We Are More Attracted to People Who Look Like Us

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In searching for a partner for a lifetime we tend to select a person who shared similar interests, personalities and be at the same education level as us. Sometimes, we are subconsciously attracted to someone who looked like us or a family member like our father, mother, or our grandparent because it seemed that he or she acquired genetics similar to ours. And we want to pass those similar characteristics to our offspring. Also, genetic similarity is related to a more stable relationship, have more children, and greater altruism among family members. Sometimes, indifferences between the two lovebirds may start a conflict which might jeopardize the relationship. So not all opposites attract.

However, too much similarity in physical appearance makes us cringe. We feel creeped out dating someone who almost looks like us but perhaps not for narcissists, which is a good thing so that we might avoid passing along dangerous recessive traits on our children that can cause serious inbreeding problems. But it does not mean that you have to go out and date someone who looked like you. That is not the only factor in having a long meaningful relationship, most find a partner that shared the same interest attractive.

But if you are one of the people who find themselves attracted to bonobos, well wow. You have good taste there. :D

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