Your Sleeping Habit Defines your Creativity

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Experts characterized creativity by four traits, Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration. Fluency is having a wide range of ideas, Flexibility is the ability to adjust oneself in a certain situation using fluency, Originality is, of course, the uniqueness of an idea, and Elaboration is the ability to develop each idea separately. And researchers found that visually creative people tend to sleep less while verbally creative sleep more and go to sleep and get up later. They observed that the participants, art students were likely to gain sleep disturbances, which disrupts their daytime functioning. There are cerebral mechanisms that are activated by visually creative individuals. Perhaps, those disturbances may be an inspiration to their art, because people who have sleep disturbances can remember their dreams well.

But if you are the person who does not regularly sleep well and tends to be fully awake all day and all night, you might be both verbally and visually creative because you are more likely to hallucinate more and probably talk to your childhood imaginary friend.

Fun Facts!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora