FDA banned Antibacterial Soap

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People think that antibacterial soap is better than ordinary soap, so they are persuaded to buy products with antibacterial compounds. But scientists found a chemical that is widely mixed in soap, cosmetics, lotions, deodorant, toothpaste, and other body washes called triclosan and triclocarban that cause no health benefits to the people but rather harm human health if used in a long run. Their studies suggest that long-term use of antibacterial soap could strengthen bacterial resistance or disrupts hormones in the body. Triclosan interferes with the production of androstane receptors, a protein that helps getting rid of certain chemicals out of the body. This disruption proliferates liver cells excessively and if it continues, the excess cells will become a tumor. Whereas triclocarban increases the level of the hormones such as estrogen and testosterone which can promote the growth of breast and prostate cancer.

Therefore, for safe and effective prevention of spreading germs researchers suggested washing our hands with plain soap and water. They also recommend that we should also rub our hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizers containing 60 percent alcohol until it dries. In that way, species like us, who can be a disease-carriers would decrease.

Or cut our hands to avoid touching contaminated objects. ;)  

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