Sharks Don't Need Sex Anymore

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Reproducing without mating seems a miracle to us and reminded us about Mary, the virgin that gave birth to Jesus. And actually, these virgin species that can give birth exists like the Zebra Shark. In fact, this shark converts itself from a sexual to an asexual animal.

They evolved into Parthenogenesis, a reproduction that does not require a male's sperm to develop babies. These sharks became asexual because they cannot find their ideal partner. Researchers said their conversion is a product of evolutionary adaptation. They could not find a suitable mate but they must procreate for the survival of their race. So they mutated its gene, enabling them to give birth without losing virginity.

Another example of animals that are also parthenogenesis are snakes, lizards, rays, chickens, turkeys, and some species of bony fishes.

With this amazing discovery, perhaps in the future, humans may evolve too into parthenogenesis but with a condition that the earth is running out of men. So men and boys, be kind to your sex counterpart. Ladies can live without your sperms. ;)

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