Having a Good Memory means more Boredom

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It is unfortunate for people who acquired a wide memory capacity and can remember things longer because they can get bored easily by engaging in a certain activity such as listening to an old crappy song because they feel like they experienced it before. At their first experience, they remembered the blissful and satiating feelings they felt but when they re-experience it again, it would not be as great as the first. They got bored and desired new food, music, art, or anything just to get over the old crappy thing.

Furthermore, this study helps Marketers to develop new strategies to keep people interested longer. For instance, to disrupt the consumer's memory, a new product is introduced that might help break the feeling of satiation. Thus, customers would not get bored with their products and continue buying their products.

But it does not mean you get bored easily, you have a good memory. Sometimes, you are just lazy to do something like watching entertaining videos on the internet or read books. 

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