Testosterone Strengthens Snap Judgements, Less Reflection

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Men who have higher testosterone levels are likely to pursue their gut instinct than thinking deeper to recheck if their guessed answer is correct or not. For example, during a brain-teaser test, they are asked about the cost of a ball if both baseball and a bat cost $1.10 but the bat costs $1.00 more than the ball, the boys are more likely to answer 10 cents which are far from the real answer, $0.05. They do not rely on their cognitive reflection because they are highly confident that their initial guess is always right. Because of their testosterone, it increases their intuitive feeling and confidence, disregarding their self-doubts to correct their mistakes. However, this hormone is essential for a male drive for social status and heightens their confidence.

No doubt that some men are arrogant, boastful, and prideful people who badly need to be kicked on balls to remind them to be humble and not always right.

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