CHP 1- Beginnings

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The story starts pretty slow but it gets more interesting as the chapters go on- I promise xx

I trudged through the thick forest. The heavy rain abusing me every second. Pelting down onto my moving body and announcing it's presence by soaking me to the bone. My clothes felt heavy from the amount of water that saturated them and the cold wind whipped at my form. I pulled my jacket closer to my body, wrapping my arms around my waist in a futile attempt to conserve some form of warmth. My wolf remained curled up in the corner of my mind, also agitated by the cold.

My boots squished with every step, as my feet submerged in the small puddles that had gathered inside them. The freezing temperature of the water caused my toes to curl.

I raised my hand infront of my face in an attempt to shield my eyes from the pelting rain.  My gaze darted across my dark and blurry surroundings, trying to find any form of shelter; a cave or even a hollowed tree trunk would work. I would take anything at this point.

It was nearly impossible to see through the heavy rain, 't help. It made me feel exposed and un prepared. But there were some positives, if I couldn't hear or smell anything, then nothing could hear or smell me.

I grumbled in annoyance as the rain seemed to get heavier yet again.  Still scanning my surroundings, I nearly yelped in shock when the shape of what appeared to be a building materialized. The building could be better described as a small shack and was heavily sheltered by a large oak tree.

The sight of it made my heart rate increase as anxiety welled up within me.

Shelter meant civilisation. And civilisation meant wolves. But there was also the small chance it could be empty, as it was overgrown in shrubs, with no visible light source coming from it. Hence why I nearly missed it entirely.

I considered my options. Avoid the shack and stay exposed to the storm, or investigate and risk the chance of an interaction.

My teeth clattered as I stood on the spot trying to decide. I supposed getting out of this terrible weather would be ideal. My wolf yelped in my mind, pushing me into the direction of the shelter.

I decided to take my chances and investigate the building. Ploughing through the mug and closer to the shack I could see it why it appeared to be abandoned. The front windows were smashed while the rest of the building was heavily covered in vegetation; vines grew up the sides and the oak tree looked as though it was growing into the house.

The abandoned look gave me a boost of confidence, I doubt anyone would stay here voluntarily. But there was still the chance someone was inside.

I quickly sniffed the air, trying in vain to catch any scents. But the smell of rain was still to strong as it was impermeable to any other scents. I would need to physically investigate to make sure it was truly clear.

Sending a prayer to the Moon Goddess above I silently crawled in through a smashed window. I landed softly in what appeared to be the main living room, however it was hard to distinguish which room it was as the house had been stripped of all furniture and decoration.

I paused in my landing, straining my ears for any form of noise; breathing, moving, talking or a heartbeat. Hearing none of the above over the pounding rain I began to move to the closet door.

The floor was dry, with no appearance of recent tracks, and the only footsteps found were the ones I was leaving behind. I continued through the door frame, which lead into what I assumed what a kitchen, as there was a rusted sink and an old looking fridge.

I continued through the next two rooms, ending in what appeared to be was the bedroom. All rooms were clear. The knowledge has my shoulders sag in relief as the tension I had been holding dissipated.

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