CHP.15 New faces

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I had spent the next two weeks learning the ways of the pack. Zeke made sure I was always occupied, training with the teens in the morning, visiting the pups in the afternoons to read stories and play and always having dinner dates at night.

He had even given me some roles within his office as I learnt the ways of the new world. There were 14 established packs in the country -his being on the best hunting grounds. He regularly communicated with 10 of the reigning 14 Alphas, and held a treaty with 5 of those packs.

He had shown me a new map of the country with the designated territories highlighted. The borders of his pack extended from the eastern sea to near the middle of the country; by far the biggest. His borders were also lined by 2 of the packs he held an alliance with, leaving only the little South-Western corner of his lands open to invasion should he go into war.

There was still a good 1/4 of the country unclaimed but Zeke had mentioned that those areas were filled with crime, problematic rogues and to claim them would be no benefit.

I had argued that if any more females were in the country, that is where they would be, but he argued news from that place spread so quickly if one was seen he'd hear within days.

Still, I would continue to push him to scan it and make sure. I just had to be patient.

I stood behind his desk, reading trading reports from the past month. Because of his territory and lands Zeke generally traded meats for other resources, although he did have a working solar farm and was trying to recruit more qualified engineers to expand it's reach.

It was amazing, the network he had set up for himself, and the way of society in the new world. He still had never communicated with international countries, they had only just managed to get a small communications network running within a few territories of the alliance in the last few months.

I sipped on my coffee, looking at the huge numbers of wheat, barley and fresh kill he was carting off to the Oiche Dorcha pack; they were ancient worshipers who had managed to live through the war without actually getting involved.

It irritated my wolf how cowardly that pack was.

"Cecil." Zeke's voice startled me and I quickly righted my coffee cup before the boiling liquid spilt on the page before me.

"Zeke you wet wipe don't do that." He raised his eyebrows.


"Don't scare me, I nearly ruined your records with my coffee." I grumbled, taking a sip from the cup. God I had missed coffee. He rolled his eyes.

"This Friday, I will be having a dinner with my 5 allies. I am bringing them to meet you, introducing you slowly to the country." It was my turn for my eyebrows to raise.

"I thought you were team 'hide Cecil till she dies.'"I air quoted as I spoke.

"No I was all 'hide Cecil until she's marked and solidified as my Luna." He air quoted back.


"Anyway, these 5 Alphas need my alliance to sustain their lands, any threat from them would be easy to extinguish and they know it. And out of respect for the alliances I feel it's important they hear about you through me directly, and not gossip." I shrugged, it made sense.

I just got anxious about the 'what ifs'.

What if they waged war.

What if they tried to take me.

What if people died.

What if, what if, what if.

"Stop that." Zeke walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

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