CHP.9 Joining

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I woke up a few hours later, my body had trained itself to only sleep for a short period at a time. Sleeping left me vulnerable to the environment around me. And being vulnerable meant being caught. I sighed at the irony.

I shifted slightly as I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the dark room around me. Feeling a heavy weight on my chest I looked down to find the Alpha asleep. His head resting on my breasts as his one arm was wrapped around my waist. His legs intertwined with mine. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, so innocent. So different to the emotionless wolf he was when he was awake.

I began to slowly shift away. Careful not to wake him, as I untangled my legs from beneath his and slowly removed his arm from around my waist. As I moved off the mattress he shifted forward, reaching his arm out into the space where I was previously laying, reaching for me. I quickly place a pillow in that area which he grabbed and pulled into himself. Relief washed through me as he remained asleep. And I couldn't help the small smile that brushed my lips from the sight of him snuggling with a pillow. What a fucking sook.

Pulling myself out of the trance I quietly but quickly raced to the backpack, grabbing it from behind the couch and throwing it over my shoulder I carefully opened the door. Cringing internally when it squeaked from opening. I froze as I heard the Alpha shift in the bed behind me. I strained my ears for his heartbeat, noticing it remained constant; he was still sleeping.

Racing along my path of escape, I scented the air for any signs of guardsmen around. Not finding any in the house I continued tracking through the doorways. My freedom was so close I could taste it on my tongue. Entering the Great Hall I began to feel jittery. I would finally be free. 

My wolf whined in my brain, begging me to go back to him, and I found a very, very small part of myself feeling sad at the thought of leaving him. But I pushed both away into the back of my mind.

It would be better this way. I would be safer, and he would not have to worry about protecting me. I wasn't dumb, I know the amount of wolves that would come searching for me. If I were here or not they would come. And they would do anything to obtain me. At least this way no one would be harmed for me.

I made it to the front door. Turning the handle I noticed it was locked. Fuck, window it was. Sliding up the big window I slipped my body through the small gap. Landing on the front porch I scanned the area. No guards in sight. And while the house seemed unguarded I know there would be patrols on the border. The issue would be getting past them unnoticed. 

Making a sprint I dashed into the tree line. I had come from the West when I had been caught and was heading East with the Herds, my main source of food. To head back West would be unpredictable but could end up in starvation. But to head East would be predictable. But again, only Alpha Ezekias's pack knew where I was headed. And unless the Alpha himself came after me, I would evade them easily. But I knew he would come. I'd just have to be smarter.

I would head East. Leaving behind my backpack, as it would take too much time to retrieve, I began on my journey. Running through the forest, I felt my face split into a smile.

Finally, freedom.

My toes felt cold as they connected with the damp forest floor, the wind felt cool as it whipped through my hair. I deeply inhaled, letting the smells of the forest invade my senses. It smelt like home. My legs remained bare as I was still wearing his pyjamas. A tactical move as it meant I was giving off his scent, which would confuse his trackers and the rest of his pack if they came looking for me. I would change once I had found running water as it would give me the chance to cover my own scent.

I had managed to cover a good few kilometres, my breath steady as I continued to put distance between myself and the Alpha. I could almost feel a small pain developing in my chest as I continued to track further, the mate bond pushing me to return to my destined. 

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