CHP.13 Bonding

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Within minutes Zeke and I had managed to bring down a small deer and had quickly devoured it. His wolf, as expected, was an elite hunting machine. Quick to catch and quick to kill.

My belly was overfull as I lay on my back in a grass patch next to a small pool of clean blue water. My wolf content with her situation. She wanted every moment to be spent near Zeke. He was the perfect match in her mind. Strong, tall, athletic and caring. I rolled onto my side to gaze at Zeke. Only to find his golden eyes staring back at me already.

He lay on his stomach, his attention focused on me and our surroundings. Making sure I was in no danger while I relaxed.

My heart seemed to swell a little at his actions. My body immediately seeming to awaken, mostly with arousal. I turned to the pool of water beside us, perhaps a swim would be a good idea to cool off.

Rising up I casually padded my way over to the edge. Shifting into my naked human form I rose onto two feet. Looking behind my shoulder I could easily see Zeke's head rise in interest. Knowing I had his attention, I stretched my muscles. Reaching my hands high and arching my back before bending forward and touching my toes.

A growl came from behind me. I smirked to myself before launching my body into the water. The cool liquid running over me and soothing my muscles. I was a very good swimmer. In fact hiding in water bays had kept me from capture on a few occasions. Water blocked my scent, and rushing water could cover my person. As such I had become well acquainted with it.

I rose from the bottom of the pool and looked back towards Zeke. Except Zeke was gone.

I quickly swizzled around in confusion before I was abruptly pulled underwater by my ankle. Spinning in fright I found Zeke behind me in the water. His eyes shining with mischief.

I playfully raised my top lip in a snarl at him before rising back to the surface again. Zeke followed me, rising up as well. He quickly grabbed my hips, pulling my body towards him so that we were flush against one another.

"You're a cruel women you know that?" Zeke murmured the words as he buried his nose into my neck. I suppressed a giggle before playing clueless,

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just trying to enjoy my afternoon swim but some caveman keeps trying to drown me and disrupt it." Zeke chuckled.

"A caveman? I haven't seen one around, but I've heard they're dashingly handsome."

"Oh really? I didn't think so." Zeke knew I didn't think he was ugly as he smiled into my neck. Beginning to run his hand up and down my waist.

"Well, either way you're very lucky I'm here. I've heard they're very primal," he wrapped my legs around his waist, his body keeping us afloat. "I heard they're dangerous, and they come into people's homes and seduce the gorgeous women in the town." His fingers came around my waist and in between my spread legs, running a singular digit between my folds. I again suppressed a reaction, trying to play my part.

"Perhaps I'm rather unlucky you're here then, maybe he would be able to seduce me." I quickly unwrapped my legs from around his waist and began to race back to the shore.

I heard a growl behind me as Zeke took off to try catch me. I was a quick swimmer though, and he would have a hard time reaching me. I quickly began to ascend up the bank from the water, my body pumping with adrenaline to try get away from the Alpha I had playfully agitated. He would eventually catch me, but the thrill of the chase was to much to give up.

I had taken only three steps onto the bank before my foot was grabbed out from under me. I tripped forward, catching myself on my hands. As I began to rise a large frame covered mine, preventing me from moving anywhere. His naked body flush across my back as I rested on my hands and knees.

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