CHP.3 - Town

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The Alpha seemed to be somewhat taken aback when my wolf raised her head and strolled past him in the direction he had indicated.  I assumed he thought I would have been putting up more of a fight. But considering my current options I knew there were no other choices for now.

Walking past the group of pack wolves made my heart rate sky rocket, it only took one. One of them to be observant. One of them to piece together my scent was uncommon.

So I made sure to keep my tail low, I had to be certain to hide what was between my legs. They would notice if I were missing certain appendage after all.

I continued to take in detail of the surrounding environment as we walked through the forest. My nose constantly taking in scents that I would be able to recognise at a later time. I would have to come back and get my bag once I manage to slip away. So I needed to be able to identify where I was.

The group tracked through the thick forest for a while, the only noise surrounding us was the sound of our own feet trudging over debris. It seemed even the forest animals and birds didn't want to be noticed by this big group of males.

We exited through another shrub when my footing almost stumbled from the sight that greeted us.

A town.

A town with buildings, still in good condition. It was massive considering the time period we were stuck in. There wasn't enough resources to sustain oneself let alone buildings and a small community.

My eyes shifted the Alpha that strode away from us. He must be incredibly powerful, to control such a thing. There were over a hundred buildings, all bustling with life. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the biggest organisation in the country. Functioning organisation that is. 

I was stunned.  It was impressive feat and I'm sure an impressive struggle.

The buildings closest to the more dense forest seemed to be more spaced out, and slightly run down, being smaller in size and less populated. The lower ranking wolves and the trained warriors probably lived toward the edge. As we began to walk through the town the gravel pathway slowly developed to being better cared for. The buildings growing in size and complexity. And the density of the buildings increase.

I was sure the wolves around could hear my rapid and intense heart beat. There were a lot of wolves here. A lot of male wolves. And it only took one to recognise my gender.

There were hundreds of men, just casually interacting, going in between stores. Buying things. Walking around and conversing with one another. Being civil. This was something I hadn't seen since the decline in the female population 6 years ago.

The groups I had accidentally run across in my time that held mildly high levels of people were always chaotic. Never order or peace. Just small groups fighting for dominance over one another for barest of necessities.

It was just how we lived. Survival of the fittest. Humanity wasn't a thing these days. It disappeared along with social cohesion with the women. But here was this town, completely humane.

Another thing I noticed was how everyone noticed us. Wolves stopped their conversations as we passed by, bowing their heads to their Alpha. But once their eyes landed on me, their demeanours changed completely.

All gave me glares; some bared their teeth in a sign of warning. If they were in wolf form their hackles would have been raised.  I received the message loud and clear.

Rogues were not welcome here.

I was not welcome here.

The thought didn't bother me. But the knowledge that all these men were watching me, taking in and sizing me up as a threat? It sent warning bells throughout my body. And my tail almost tucked further under me.

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