CHP.11 Retribution

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The first thing I noticed when I awoke was how sore and stiff my body was. I ached. 


The second thing I noticed was how complete I felt. My body seemed to thrum with an undercurrent of electricity that filled me with warmth, somehow comforting me and soothing my ache. I also seemed to feel a third party of emotion. It wasn't mine and it wasn't my wolfs. It was a third party sense of feeling. 

I groaned as I rolled off my back and onto my side, pushing myself into a seated position, the movement causing my stiff muscles to protest. I felt like I could go back to sleep for the next few days. But I knew I had slept long enough. I needed to eat and replenish my body.

The door to the bedroom opened and in walked Zeke. He was wearing only a pair of boxers and his face was covered in stubble. I must've been asleep for longer than I thought. Probably a few days. My body needed the time to adjust to having a part of Zeke's soul intertwine with mine and form the connections properly.

Wait, Zeke's soul? I raised my hand to the base of my neck. And sure enough, a small patch of the skin was rough and raised. A mark.

He fucking marked me.

I raised my eyes to look at him, still situated by the door. Keeping his distance.

"You fucking marked me!" I growled out at him. He raised a hand in surrender.

"Before we get ahead of ourselves, you need to eat." Zeke brought his other hand from around his back. He was holding a plate of food. Immediately the scent caught my attention and had my mouth watering. Pancakes.

"You're trying to bribe me with fucking pancakes?" I growled at him again.

"No, I'm simply caring for my mate." I could see straight through his façade. I opened my mouth to protest but my stomach rumble interrupted me before I could even speak. I signed for him to give me the pancakes, gesturing with my hand. He cautiously approached, as if he was trying to tame a wild dog that would bite. 

Oh, I would bite. But not yet.

Food first.

Zeke passed over the food before returning to his spot by the door, making sure to keep his distance. I sliced some of the pancakes off, lifting the syrup covered piece into my mouth I sighed in contempt as the flavour burst on my tongue.

Four years since I had eaten such a delicacy and boy, had I missed them. I chewed through the next four pancakes in silence. Feeling my self eventually getting full. A feeling I was still becoming adjusted to.  Since finding Zeke I had felt out of my comfort and familiarity zone. 

While hunger wasn't the most pleasant feeling, I had become familiar with it. I know it seemed fucked up but it was a constant in my life, something I could rely on to be there. And with it gone I'm again reminded of the unfamiliar territory I was in.

I raised my eyes to meet Zeke's. He had been gazing intently at me while I ate, making sure I was full.

"My wolf likes to see you cared for by us." Zeke commented as I pushed the plate away.

"Was marking me done in your interest of my care?" I addressed the elephant in the room. My father always told me to beat around the bush is to waste time. And to waste time is to waste life itself.

"You know I couldn't help myself-"

"Bullshit!" I interrupted him, my voice rising as my anger increased. A normal she-wolf wouldn't be so brazen, so stupid as to challenge her mate, let alone the Alpha. But I couldn't care as fury pumped through my veins, so I carried on;

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