CHP.14 Introductions

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Zeke had spent the next few hours taking me around his town. Showing me the significant landmarks, buildings as well as introducing me to so many wolves I had yet to remember anyone's name.

He had also begun explaining the logistics of his pack. He ran it as more of an organisation than a family unit. It was understandable as I couldn't imagine being the superior of over 1500 men, especially in a time like ours.

His city was the main strong hold, and it sustained most of the trade and development, including the studies of younger wolves and the main area of training for his warriors. Around half of his pack lived in the city. While 4 smaller settlements, organised on Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern points of his territory to maintain a perimeter and secure the main city. 

The remaining half of his pack rotate in and out of the town and between those 4 smaller towns.

I was exhausted from the big day, my feet ached from walking so much but I was glad to be getting to know my new pack.

"Finally we have the junior school. The youngest members of the pack live here, mostly cared for by their fathers or family members. Obviously all have lost their mothers." I was surprised to hear about young pups still being alive. I had not seen a child for at least 4 years. I had just assumed without mothers they were left uncared for.

"How old is the youngest one?" I asked as we approached the wooden building, the front door was painted blue while the outside was covered with colourful depictions of a wide   variety of animals.

"He is 5 years old." I raised my eyebrows. He would've been born during the war. Never would've known his mother.

"It's nearly the end of the school day, and todays Friday which means it's nearly the weekend for them." I couldn't remember the last time I had to worry about the days of the week. My life wasn't lived by calendars or time anymore. It was about survival, and I lived by the seasons; that was the easiest way to track food.

He opened the door gently, and the sound of children erupted through. Kids laughing and squealing. There were about 30 kids, all different ages but none older than I would guess 9 or 10. Some were playing with toys while others were drawing and some of the older ones were even wrestling.

An older gentlemen sat in the corner of the colourful and large space in a comfy recliner chair, reading to a few small pups that sat around listening intently. The room was alight with life. It was so peaceful and normal you could almost forget what the rest of the world looked like.

The joyful exterior of the building extended to the inside, with paintings and posters strewn across the room. There were little desks with their chairs and even a chalk board. The kids noise slowly died down as they began to notice our presence.

The gentleman looked up from his book, his dark eyes slightly widening before he quickly rose from his chair.

"Pups, remember how we greet Alpha Ezekiel." The man spoke softly, and the children all scrambled to their feet. They all bared their necks or faced the floor, showing submission to the huge wolf.

"Please, how many times must I tell you Romero, they do not need to do this." Zeke smiled softly.

"They need to learn Alpha." Zeke raised his hand in surrender.

"Continue, I was just showing Luna Cecil the junior school for our last stop today." All the kids inhaled at the mention of my name, desperately looking up and scanning me with curiosity. I smiled at them and they excitedly chittered amongst themselves.

"Can we touch her?" One of the young pups asked. Romero reached across and slapped the child behind the head.

"That is absolutely no way to address your Luna, Charles." Romero scolded. I giggled.

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