CHP.8 - Council Meetings

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We entered his house again. After taking many different doorways that again had me confused on which was out, we strolled into the dining hall. The place I had eaten before. However, this time instead of being alone we had company.

There were 7 male wolves seated at the end of one of the long tables. Beta Dion was among them. Their conversation quickly ceased as they saw the Alpha enter the room. All of them rising from their seats with their heads bowed. The Alpha strode to the head of the table, choosing to remain standing. I remained by the door not wanting to go in.

"Council." He acknowledged them, a subtle way of allowing them to sit. The men sat down, busy among themselves until one of them noticed me by the door. His gaze meeting mine. His eyes were piercing as if by the one look he could see into my soul and knew every piece of information about me. The male next to him followed his gaze to me, his eyes widened in surprise while his mouth dropped in shock. Soon every male had turned to face me. Each holding their own dumbfounded expression. 

The Alpha followed the gaze of the men. My eyes immediately turning to him, he tipped his head towards himself, a silent command telling me to go to him. My body headed the command before I could even process what had occurred. My head held high as I strode across the room to meet him, my face holding back any emotion from the wolves.

"Gentlemen, this is Cecil. The reason this High Council meeting was called. She is my mate." The Alpha placed a firm emphasis on the word mate. I arrived beside him, not close enough that we were touching, but close enough where I could feel the warmth being emitted from his body, his scent wrap around me like a safety blanket. Gazing at the gentlemen I made sure to really see them. 

There were 5 I had never met before. 3 were older males, sprouting grey hairs, their faces starting to crinkle from age, but they still looked capable of defending themselves should a problem arise. The other 2 were younger. One happened to be one of the largest males I had ever seen. 

Even seated the broad planes of his shoulder's looked expansive, completely packed with muscle. He looked like he could crush my frame in the one hand. His body was covered with tattoos, wrapping from his wrists up both arms, and even peaking out the collar of his neck. They were tribal, meaning he was a warrior. 

My gaze shifted to the last unknown male. He was smaller than the warrior but still large, he was the first wolf I had made contact with. His gaze raked my body, and in the centre of his forehead sat a large crescent moon. The moon was surrounded by strands of soft clouds, that ran along the top of his eyebrows, wrapping down the sides of his face and stopping towards the top of his cheekbones. 

My breath caught, he was an Oracle. A man who could receive a message from the Moon goddess. I had never seen one in my life, as it was said only one was born every 35 years. My gaze shifted to the last two men on the table. Doctor Scet, who offered me a kind smile, and Beta Dion who threw me his signature wink.

All males waited patiently while my eyes had shifted between them. Allowing me to observe them and intake their details. If we were in wolf form, they would be letting me scent them. A gesture that showed they wanted me to feel comfortable around them.

"The reason I have called you here is firstly to introduce you to her. She will be around the pack soon, and I wanted her to have a few males she could trust and rely on. The second reason I call you here is to discuss what will happen. I am well aware of the scale of this situation. A she-wolf hasn't been spotted since the two that surfaced a few years ago. She is valuable. I know how many will come in search of her. Therefore, I will not have word of her escape this pack until she bares my mark, and she is officially my Luna. Is that understood?" The Alpha continued his speech, making sure to make eye contact with each individual at the table. Challenging them to disobey him. 

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