Chapter Ten: Hello, it's me

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Arriving at the office with ten minutes to spare, I turned my computer on before checking the documents that the personnel under me have placed ontop of my desk. Checking the revisions and the informations twice before I signed my name and putting it aside. I turned to my PC and logged in before checking my emails, before I continued working on the documents in front of me.

"Good morning!" AJ greeted me as she finally arrived and occupied the desk beside me.

I turned towards her and smiled, "Good morning, how was your weekend?" I asked.

"Great, the husband was at home so..." I giggled as I watched my good friend wiggle her eyebrows at me.

Shaking my head, I stood-up and grabbed some of the documents that Eric needed to sign on, "Well here's to hoping you guys finally have it" I informed her as I raised my crossed finger before approaching Eric's office and placing the documents down.

"Thanks sweetie" AJ replied as she started working on the documents that was placed on her desk as well.

As we have different marketing divisions that we are overseeing, I am the Senior Marketing Director for Branch M while AJ was the SMD for Branch C, and Cam was the SMD for Branch A. These are the only people working in Illinois while there are other branches outside the state who have different Marketing Directors, and we all report to one man, and that was Eric as the Illinois branch was the headquarters for the Hale & Sullivan Company.

"Good morning Cam" I greeted my other colleague as I walked back towards my desk and sat down to check my emails from my different counterparts.

Cam just nodded at me, it would take a few more hours for her to wake up. I just shook my head at her as I continued to work.

"Good morning girls!" Tex greeted us happily as he entered the room.

I smiled up at him and greeted him back, "Eric is not in his office Thirdy, I think he's with the new Department Head?" I told him.

Tex just sighed as he sat down at the edge of my desk, "Well I will just wait for him here." he replied, "How is your weekend?" he asked as looked down at me.

"Good, had barbecue with the Ohana" I replied, "You?" I asked.

Tex just sighed, "Stayed at home with the hubs, had some alone time. Then we watched hockey." he ended, "Sharks vs Stars baby."

I sighed, AJ was the only one who still knows about my Ohana, about the people that I call as family. I glanced towards AJ who have a giant grin on her face, "Speaking of hockey," she turned towards me, "do you think your family still have home opening tickets for sale?" she asked.

"I'll ask them." I replied.

Tex frowned bewildered, "What do you mean family?" he asked as he looked back and forth between me and AJ.

"Do you remember that she's a former Blackhawk employee right?" AJ asked as I shook my head and read my emails and replied to some of them as I listened to their conversation.

"Yeah, I do remember that she was a previous employee of the Hawks Organization, but that doesn't explain what you have said about her Ohana." Tex drawled.

I heard AJ sigh, "Well apparently she is more than an employee, because a few weeks ago when she learned that her husband died, she broke down at the lobby and asked me to call someone named Hossa, so I thought it was just a nickname when lo and behold the Marian Hossa came in here to pick her up!" she explained when suddenly I heard a head hit the desk had.

I looked up and saw Cam laying her head down on her desk moaning, "What?!" she demanded when she suddenly sat up straight, "You have met Marian Hossa? The Demigod Marian Hossa? That Marian Hossa?" she continued.

Second Chance In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora