Chapter Thirteen: Telling the Ohana

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It is finally the weekend after I have restarted my relationship with Tyler, telling the girls have been easy. Cath and Jana have been ecstatic to hear that I gave him a chance, Joey was wary as she always worry about our families reaction, July was melancholic, wishing that she can also finally find the love she deserves and Andy? Well she is the only one who has a different reaction, she is neither happy or sad, she is like withdrawn and I have no idea why.

Today is one of the most special occasion in the Organization, it's the family skate and as a member of the Hawks players' family we are required to go with them and I know that I need to tell my family about Tyler tonight. I am very nervous as I do not know how the men in my life will handle this new development. Will they like it? Hate it? I have no idea.

"Ali?" I then looked up and smiled when I saw Andy standing in-front of me already dressed in dark denims, a Burish jersey, her black and grey scarf, her faux fur boots and her long brown hair tied into a fishtail.

Looking at her, I gave her a small smile before looking down at what I am wearing: black leggings, under a long sleeved blue and white dress that ended mid-thigh, my brown leather jacket was laying down next to me ready to be worn, my long brown hair was left freely and was just being held back by a hairband, I was also wearing my boots and minimal makeup. "Yes, everything okay?" I asked her as I offered her a seat beside me.

"I just felt that we haven't talked for awhile. How are you?" she asked me as she sat down facing me.

Shrugging I replied, "Can't ask for anything more." I truthfully answered, "I have you, the Ohana, the girls, Alekz, and Tyler." I ended as I watched her emotions pass through her expressive eyes. "Why is everything alright with you?" I asked.

"I don't know how to say this" she began, "I don't even know what I'm doing right now Ali," she continued clearly bothered by what she wanted to tell me "I want to tell you girls so bad, but I don't know what the guys will do once they finally learned about this" she sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair never minding that in doing that her neat hairstyle got destroyed "and Peeks, oh god Patrick!" she ended worriedly and almost hysterically.

Rubbing her shoulder, I gathered her in my arms, comforting the woman who had given me a chance at a better life, the reason why I am settled here in Illinois. "Hey calm down, calm down" I told her "breathe with me Andrea, come on, breathe with me" I urged her before I felt her calm down, "are you with me?" I asked to which she just nodded to, "Okay let's go back to the start, what do you want to talk about?" I ended.

"I'm dating someone" she began, wait! Hold up! What?! I internally chanted, "he's absolutely amazing Ali!" she continued as she gave me one of her most beautiful smile but still wait! What? Hold up!!

Licking my bottom lip and wary of what might her answer be but still needing to know who she is with I asked: "Who?"

"Burish," she replied without any hesitance, I watched one of my best friend's smile and her eyes, her eyes were finally happy "you do know Adam Burish right?" she asked me worriedly.

I gave her the 'Are you serious?' look and replied, "Wearing jersey 37, best friends with one Patrick Sharp and Patrick Kane, one of the remaining enforcers in the league today? That Adam Burish?" I asked to which she nodded almost proudly. "Then what about Peeks if the guy you are dating is also one of his best friends?" I asked.

"That's it!" she stated almost whining, "I am dating one of his best friends!" she continued, "I don't want him to lose Burr if he decided to be a dick and prohibit him from ever seeing me. I don't want that Ali, he's one of my best friends and Burr is the first man - after Chris - that ever made me feel this way. But unlike Chris that I have always felt doubtful about my relationship with, everything I feel for Burr is different, I feel safe and settled with him and most of all I feel so much special with him." she ended, her mood changing from being happy to a little melancholic.

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