She Wolf

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Everyone had been talking about it for months. The great tourney at Harrenhal was only a fortnight ahead, and things had been uproar at Winterfell as the household prepared for the Stark siblings' departure to Lord Whent's maiden daughter's nameday.

Lyanna Stark was the only girl in her family. She had two older brothers, Brandon, heir to Winterfell, and Eddard, as well as a younger brother, Benjen.
She kept a rather close relationship with all of them, but there was no greater bond than the one she had with Brandon, despite the relatively bigger age gap.

Her father called it "the wolf blood", a trait that they shared, being the hot-blooded siblings that they were.
Ned was the quiet and serious sibling that she and Brandon's passion was to tease, while Benjen was probably the most annoying of them all, and not that she would admit it, but she loved him regardless.

Lyanna had always been a stubborn and wild girl, feisty and adventurous, but she was also very kind and caring.
She had never been the perfect example of what a lady should be like, and she never intended to follow that path anyway.

Even so, her slim frame and round face, her grey eyes, her pale skin and the delicate features that she took after her late mother Lyarra, as well as her dark brown and long soft hair made her one of the most beautiful young ladies in all of the realm.

The lord of Winterfell summoned his children for one last dinner as a family in the Great Hall before they all left the next day, and Lyanna wasn't exactly in a good mood that night.

In fact, she wasn't either when she was promised to Robert Baratheon a year ago, neither had she been since she was told to go to the big tournament.

Lyanna was never one to shy away from expressing her emotions. Specifically when that very emotion was anger.

"I'm trying to think of something more boring than tournaments, but I can't find anything." Lyanna complained, her plate still full since she refused to eat.
"Stop whining, Lya. It'll be fun!" Brandon scoffed.

'Lya' was the nickname that he alone had been calling her with since she was no more than a babe, and in return, she called him 'Bran'.

"Easy for you to say! I'll be sitting there, surrounded by annoying ladies from all over the Seven Kingdoms while you'll be fighting lords and knights. I would enjoy it much more if I were allowed to participate too." she said, glaring at her older brother.

"My dear, you have been invited to the tourney and you will go to represent house Stark along with your brothers. I suggest that you conduct yourself like a proper lady, Lyanna. I want no trouble with anyone. Is that understood?" her father clarified.

Lyanna narrowed her eyes, then sighed in exasperation as she muttered, "Yes, Father."
"Good. Now eat, and no more complaining from any of you." the lord ordered rather calmly but firmly as he finished his meal.

Rickard Stark was the only man able to tame the she-wolf. Hardly..

The dinner went on quietly after that, until stubborn Lyanna decided to bring up another matter that annoyed her.
"So.. Will Robert be there?" she asked Ned.
"Aye." he answered plainly.
"Why? Are you excited to meet your betrothed?" Benjen teased her.

"You can't imagine just how much!" she responded sarcastically, widening her grey eyes to faint excitement.
"He sent a raven a few nights ago. He's eager to see you." Ned told, a smirk forming on his lips as he exchanged glances and winks with his brothers.

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